
Matrex / News: Recent posts

Matrex 2.2

Matrex, the matrix spreadsheet, has released version 2.2.
Main changes:

- 42 new functions, included database update and unit conversion.
- New dates handling.

Download from:

Posted by aferrandi 2012-01-15

Matrex 2.1

Matrex 2.1 has been relased.
Main changes:

- Now tables/grids have real row headers.
- The script editor has become an IDE to write and test scripts.
- Help button on every window.

Download from:

Posted by aferrandi 2010-12-22

Matrex 2.0 for Windows: menu shortcut

If Matrex was installed in the "C:\Program Files..." directory, there was the possibility that the Matrex 2.0 menu shortcut in Windows did not work, because of the spaces in "Program Files".
The new version, Matrex 2.0.1 (only for Windows), solves this problem enclosing the Matrex path in double-quotes.

Posted by aferrandi 2010-04-29

Matrex 2.0

Matrex 2.0 has been released.

Matrex can be optionally used in a client/server architecture making it possible:
- for several users to work together on projects/sheets
- for single users to delegate the calculations to a server

Posted by aferrandi 2010-04-19

Matrex 1.3.8

Matrex 1.3.8 has been released.

- It uses a reasonable amount of memory when importing large CSV files (Bug 2854282)
- Applied patch of Nikolay Zamosenchuk to fix a performance problem when selecting cells in tables

Posted by aferrandi 2009-10-31

Matrexjruby 1.0.4

I updated the adapter matrexjruby.
Matrexjruby allows Matrex to use JRuby as a script language.
Now matrexjruby works with Matrex 1.3.6 and it can be installed in a separate directory.

Posted by aferrandi 2009-07-10

Matrex 1.3.6 released

This new version works for Java 5 and Java 6 in MacOSX, thanks to SWT 3.5.
Incompatibilities with Java 5 have been fixed, together with some potential problems maximizing the main window.
More on it in

Posted by aferrandi 2009-06-30

Matrex 1.3.5 released

Matrex is a revolutionary tool that substitutes standard spreadsheets when calculating big quantities of data.

Changes from version 1.3:
- Diagram of the whole project.
- Better packaging
- Improved plugins installation
- Smart toolbar
- Improved code quality

More in:

Posted by aferrandi 2009-05-31

Matrex adapter for Scilab 1.01

The Matrex adapter for Scilab is an adapter to use the functions of Scilab inside Matrex.The idea is to add functions to a Matrex project that contain calls to Scilab.The purpose can be:
- Let Matrex calculate special functions (or that you added to Scilab)
- Use Matrex as graphical front end for Scilab
The current version of the adapter has been tested on Scilab 5.1.

Posted by aferrandi 2009-02-19

Matrex 1.3

Matrex 1.3 has been released!

Matrex is the spreadsheet that uses blocks/matrices, not cells.
Multiple threads are used to recalculate the sheets, making Matrex scalable on many processors.

Version 1.3 gives:

- easy to use GUI
- candle and high/low charts.
- multiplatform setup (generic)
- callbacks

More in

Posted by aferrandi 2008-11-12

Matrex 1.2

Matrex 1.2 has been released!

Matrex is the smart alternative to spreadsheets which calculates by blocks, not by cells, and uses real multithreading for the calculations.

With version 1.2 is possible to use SQL to filter, aggregate and sort the content of the spreadsheet.

The changes from the previous version can be found in

Posted by aferrandi 2008-02-04

Matrexjruby 1.0.2

I updated the adapter matrexjruby.
Matrexjruby allows Matrex to use JRuby as a script language.
Now matrexjruby works with JRuby 1.01.

Posted by aferrandi 2007-12-19

Matrex 1.1

Matrex 1.1 has been released!

Matrex is the smart alternative to spreadsheets which calculates by blocks, not by cells, uses threads and can be used as desktop application or library.

The changes from the previous version can be found in

Posted by aferrandi 2007-04-15

Help on line

Matrex has now a GUI help on line, on

Posted by aferrandi 2007-02-04

MatrexScilab adapter 1.0 released

With this adapter you can build Matrex functions that call Scilab code.
Good if you want to work with complex calculations in Matrex or if you want to use Matrex as graphical front end for Scilab.
This version works with Scilab 4.1. Moreover, it allows safer multitasking, because it uses a shared singleton to call Scilab.

Posted by aferrandi 2007-01-27

R adapter for Matrex 1.0 released

Matrex_R allows to transform a Matrex calculation to a call to an R function.
This adapter transforms Matrex to a front-end for R.

Posted by aferrandi 2007-01-12

Matrex templates guide published

A guide that shows how to write functions (formulas) in Matrex ( projects.
You find it in

Posted by aferrandi 2006-12-30

matrexmatlab 1.0 adapter released

Matrexmatlab is the adapter that lets Matrex use Matlab for the matrices calculations and that gives to Matlab an event driven GUI based on matrices.
After a year matrexmatlab 1.0 has finally been released!

Posted by aferrandi 2006-12-29

matrexjruby updated

Version 1.01 works with JRuby 0.9.1. Also, the use example is more complete.

Posted by aferrandi 2006-12-21

Client Server specification published

The version 1.0 of the Matrex Client/Server specification has been published (for the future Matrex 2.0).
You can find it in

Posted by aferrandi 2006-12-08

Matrex 1.0 final

Matrex 1.0 final has been released!

Matrex is the smart alternative to spreadsheets which calculates by blocks, not by cells, uses threads and can be used as desktop application or library.

The changes from the previous version can be found in

Posted by aferrandi 2006-11-17

Matrexdb updated

The Matrex sample project that uses a database has been updated to fix the contracts result calculation.
To calculate correctly the results the functions "tail", "tailas" and "size" has been added.

Posted by aferrandi 2006-09-21

New Matrex db project

matrexdb is a Matrex project that works with an embedded database, using the "query" function template.
The database contains the data for the year 2006 of a fake "chocolate market". Products, spot and closing prices and contracts.
The project contains a presentation (2006 positions) and some charts.

Posted by aferrandi 2006-09-07

New document: Matrex internal structure

It is a technical document that shows how Matrex works internally.
Useful for Matrex users to understand and have better control on it and for developers to know how to work with it.
The document is in the "Documents" section in the Matrex site,

Posted by aferrandi 2006-08-18

Matrex 1.0 RC1 released

Use Matrex the un-spreadsheet (, instead of spreadsheets when working with vectors (for example database data, charts) and matrices.
The changes from M2 to RC1 (release candidate 1) include more user friendly GUI, improved stability, code modularization. New features are info navigation, matrix editor customized headers, support for big matrices.

Posted by aferrandi 2006-06-22