Jasper - 2013-11-04

Here are some of the commands you can use with a forward slash in MathQuizGame 1.1:

  • /clear: Clears all the messages in the output (also called console) except for the last line.
  • /clearfile: Clears all contents of the text file that is recording the game output.
  • /debug: Shows technical information that you wouldn't understand if you weren't a programmer.
  • /help: Displays all the commands, their required arguments, and what they do.
  • /restart: Restarts the game, the questions and the score. (Shortcut: Y)
  • /say <msg>: Displays the text that you enter in place of <msg> onto the output.
  • /setfont : Sets the font of the user interface to whichever font you type in place of . If the font specified is not installed on your computer, the program will change it to system default.
  • /setsize <size>: Changes the size of the user interface to the number specified. This must be a natural number.
  • /quit: Closes the program. (Shortcut: N)

When updates come up, I will post new commands in a different topic if there are any.


Last edit: Jasper 2013-11-04