
On the right track?

  • Ruth Ivimey-Cook

    I've just discovered MathCast and my first impressions are really good. However, I'm not sure it's the right tool. Perhaps you can advise me?

    I would like a tool that can manage a bunch of equations as I'm writing them, which I think MathCast can do. However, I have a large number of variables in the set (30 or more) and so I want to keep a record of which names mean what - and I haven't seen that facility yet. Finally, it would be great to see some symbolic manipulation - at least of the form "replace variable with given equation", and even better some sense of simplification technology.

    Should MathCast be able to help or is there a better tool somewhere…?  Sadly I'm quite poor, so the likes of Mathematica are out of my reach.

    Thanks for any help,

  • Tom Chekam

    Tom Chekam - 2010-12-03


    I'm sorry, but I'm not aware of such a tool. As you described, MathCast can edit many equations in equation lists, but mainly for the purpose of having the graphical form of the equation. The mathematical "content" itself has no meaning at all in MathCast, but rather only the "representation".

    Hope you find what you need,


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