
#16 Common Link Layer for ethernet ARP/DHCP APIs


The current LANceGS ethernet link layer implements

A link layer to support any other ethernet device would
also need to implement ARP.

There is a proposal to encourage separation of the APIs
that support ethernet (e.g. ARP/DHCP) from the lower
level device specific stuff that deals with "how to talk to
device xyz".

e.g. (from Init/I.DISPATCH.S)
| Link1 | ---> Device driver (SLIP, PPP etc.) "LINK"
| Link0 | ---> Interface card / port

This RFE is for the implementation of Link1 for ethernet
to become a MOSP deliverable.

The implementation of Link0 will be device specific and
will not become a MOSP deliverable unless the
implementer makes this available to MOSP under the
terms of the LGPL.


  • Andrew Roughan

    Andrew Roughan - 2005-03-30

    Logged In: YES

    Geoff Weiss comments on the functionality of an ethernet
    It is up the link layer developer to engineer the best solution.
    One possible method is for a heartbeat to be started by the
    link layer within the LinkStartup function and removed with the
    LinkShutdown function. This Link Layer heartbeat is
    completely independent of Marinetti and not associated with
    Marinetti's polling. The Link Layer is completely responsible
    for the enabling, running, and disabling of the heartbeat. The
    heartbeat routine is not accessable by Marinetti--Marinetti
    does not care if a heartbeat exists or not.

    When the heartbeat runs, it calls LinkGetDatagram.
    LinkGetDatagram has to handle ARP requests (by returning
    an ARP response). If DHCP is implemented,
    LinkGetDatagram would have to watch and handle DHCP
    specific requests coming from the DHCP server (i.e. respond
    to "Are you alive"). LinkGetDatagram knows only to return IP
    packets. So if the heartbeat sees that LinkGetDatagram
    returned a packet, it passes the packet to the Marinetti
    IPNotify function (Proposed in RFE [1172545] Support packet
    notification from Link Layer).

  • Andrew Roughan

    Andrew Roughan - 2005-03-30

    Logged In: YES

    Geoff Weiss provided references that may assist in
    determinng what could make up the API between Link1 and

    In terms of the Linux API, here are a bunch of relevent links:

    Linux kernal networking sockets:
    Linux kernel ethernet device support:
    SMSC device driver:

    Based on this information, there is no specific ARP functions
    handled by the kernel. I will have to assume that this means
    it is an internal function of the Linux ethernet link layer
    (between the IP socket and device driver layers).

    and Geoff comments further on what this Link1 should do:
    This layer will take care of handling the routing to different
    network interfaces, ARP, and handling the functions
    associated with an ifconfig front-end (enabling/disabling
    interfaces, allowing multicast, etc.).

    I would like to see hooks in place so third party software can
    snoop and insert packets. I want to see this completely user
    configurable (i.e. users can resize the ARP cache, specify
    the ARP timeout, etc.). I don't care if there are any user tools
    written to change values, but these parameters need to be in
    a config file of some sort (not a resource fork) which can be
    easily modified if needed. It should be noted that multiple
    ethernet cards be supported at this layer.
    Marinetti will only use one IP address from a link layer. This
    means that if someone puts multiple ethernet cards in a IIgs,
    only one is accessable by Marinetti at this time. Also, DHCP
    can be implmented in the ethernet layer for greater network

  • Andrew Roughan

    Andrew Roughan - 2005-03-30

    Logged In: YES

    More detail on the ARP functions that should be supported by
    this layer:

    a) Needs to maintain an ARP cache
    b) Needs to respond if the incoming packet is an ARP query
    and build an approriate response (including adding to the
    ARP cache).
    c) Needs to determine if the source address of an incoming
    IP packet is in the ARP cache if not then add it
    d) If an address in the outgoing packet is on the same subnet
    then a lookup needs to be done into the ARP cache. If not
    found then the MAC address needs to be determined by
    broadcasting an ARP request and then filling the table in with
    the ARP reply
    e) Needs to age out older entries in the arp cache or have
    some mechanism to overwrite older entries as needed

  • Andrew Roughan

    Andrew Roughan - 2006-02-08

    Logged In: YES

    Glenn Jones' Uthernet LL has drawn on MagerValps ip65 code
    for ARP routines and other things. This is source code
    licenced under BSD.

    Once the Uthernet LL has been implemented, the next goal
    is to define what is Uthernet specific and what can be
    made into a generic Link1 driver.


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