
Manjaro Development / Blog: Recent posts

Manjaro 0.8 Preview 1 released for internal testing

We are getting closer to our next public release of Manjaro Linux an arch-based rolling linux distribution using well tested snapshots plus custom packages to create a easy to be used linux system for beginners and advanced users.

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Manjaro XFCE
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Manjaro Openbox
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Manjaro Net

Installer Gallery

As with release 0.1.4 we support Nvidia's Optimus Technology using nouveau/intel or nvidia/intel drivers. Manjaro hardware detection tool will configure your graphic-cards automatically and with help of bumblebee/bbswitch it is possible to switch to your desired graphic mode.... read more

Posted by Philip Müller 2012-07-19

Manjaro 0.1.4 (internal development release)

The Manjaro Development Team is proud to announce another development release for internal testing.

As with release 0.1.4 we support Nvidia's Optimus Technology using nouveau/intel or nvidia/intel drivers. Manjaro hardware detection tool will configure your graphic-cards automatically and with help of bumblebee/bbswitch it is possible to switch to your desired graphic mode.

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Manjaro XFCE
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Manjaro Openbox
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Manjaro Net

Installer Gallery... read more

Posted by Philip Müller 2012-07-06

Manjaro 0.1.3 (internal development release)

The Manjaro Development Team is proud to announce another development release for internal testing.

This release series will showcase mhwd our automatic hardware detection. You all might know that Archlinux offers you to install proprietary drivers or free drivers but not at the same time. We managed to get rid of all libgl conflicts and created a new hardware detection framework which can install all needed drivers automatically with one cmd. Later in the process we will offer you also a GUI application to select your drivers from.... read more

Posted by Philip Müller 2012-06-03

Manjaro 0.1.2 (internal development release)

The Manjaro Development Team is proud to announce another development release for internal testing.

As with this release we will ship Manjaro Linux in different flavours. There will be our standard XFCE desktop and Gnome or KDE to choose from. All our images are created by manjaroiso, a fork of archiso. With manjaroiso you can create a set of install medias each with a different DE on top. All versions have the same base and drivers stack. ... read more

Posted by Philip Müller 2012-05-17

Manjaro-ISO in different flavours

Our default DE will be XFCE but we will not stop there. One of our other flavours will be KDE mantained by Philip Müller (former Project Leader at Chakra GNU/Linux).

You can already give his first preview a spin by downloading followed testbuild:

download 0.1.0

Guillaume Benoit is already working on our Gnome-Edition we will test in another testbuild soon.... read more

Posted by Philip Müller 2012-05-13

new testbuild with cli-installer

Hardware detection and installer still takes some time to be finished. To have our new preview also installable I modified abinstall to work with our distribution.

What are the features:

  • Dialogs and menus
  • Timezone and Date/Time selection via menus
  • Manual and automatic partitioning
  • Common config files editable during installation
  • Progressbars and message boxes to follow the installation
  • Run's within a terminal so a graphical session is not needed to install... read more
Posted by Philip Müller 2012-05-08

New testbuild featuring XFCE 4.10

With manjaroiso 0.0.8 it is possible to create livecds supporting XFCE 4.10.
We fixed some minor issues and updated our configs to support the latest version of XFCE.

Changes so far:

  • fixed locales issues
  • xfce configs updated
  • using lightdm as display manager (fixes plymouth issue in virtualbox)
  • improve hardware detection based on hwinfo

Next step will be to finish manjaro hardware detection and implement it to manjaroiso.
After that we can focus on our installer.... read more

Posted by Philip Müller 2012-05-04

new testbuild able to boot into XFCE automatically

Since manjaro's hardware detection is still not ported I came up with a simple bash-solution based on suse's hwinfo. Might not be perfect but it works.

Also I replaced gdm with lxdm which saved me some space on the image too.
Adding some small changes I'm now able to boot into XFCE without installing any xf86-video drivers by hand.

For detailed changes checkout my git-repository or download to check it out on your own hardware ...

Posted by Philip Müller 2012-04-24

New testbuild has plymouth now

With version 0.0.7 of manjaroiso we managed to enable plymouth and fixed lot's of issues we found during this early development. Next step will be to implement our hardware detection so you don't have to install the graphical drivers manual.

After that we will focus on our installer which will use the hardware detection.
Also we rewrote some parts of the UI of the installer.

We hope it will not take too long to have our next release ready ...... read more

Posted by Philip Müller 2012-04-24

New testbuild online

Today I uploaded our first i686 testbuild created by manjaroiso 0.0.6.
Still this image is not installable and you have to install your video-driver before you can start xfce.

How to start XFCE:

  • start manjaro in terminal session
  • login as "manjaro"
  • install your video driver like this:
    sudo pacman -U /opt/manjaro/pkgs/*vesa*
  • You can list all available drivers by using:
    ls /opt/manjaro/pkgs/
  • start XFCE with "startx"
Posted by Philip Müller 2012-04-22

Manjaro-ISO shapes up

Manjaro-ISO is our new framework to create our install medias. Our next release 0.2 will be build with Manjaro-ISO. It is a fork of archiso better known as Chakra-Live. After I joined Manjaro Linux I ported my work to the needs of the Manjaro Distribution.

With Manjaro-ISO we can create multible Editions of our install-medias. Beside our XFCE Edition you all already know we might have a net-installation media and another install media with a different DE than XFCE.... read more

Posted by Philip Müller 2012-04-06

Kernel 3.2.14 online

Our latest 3.2.14 kernel for Manjaro-Linux is online now.
The missing vbox-modules for i686 will be added later.

Posted by Philip Müller 2012-04-03