
Manjaro 0.1.3 (internal development release)

The Manjaro Development Team is proud to announce another development release for internal testing.

This release series will showcase mhwd our automatic hardware detection. You all might know that Archlinux offers you to install proprietary drivers or free drivers but not at the same time. We managed to get rid of all libgl conflicts and created a new hardware detection framework which can install all needed drivers automatically with one cmd. Later in the process we will offer you also a GUI application to select your drivers from.

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Installer Gallery

Also new in this release is a massive optical redesign of our cli installer. It has now more dialogs and also progress bars. Thx flies out to all people involved in that development.

This release series also introduces proprietary drivers and Catalyst 12.6 beta which supports X-Server 1.12-series. Post me your findings about that.

Followed features we offer with this release:

  • XFCE 4.10
  • KDE 4.8.3 (not yet released for 0.1.3)
  • Gnome 3.4.1 (not yet released for 0.1.3)
  • Language support for english, french and german (optional languages installable from our repositories)
  • minimal XFCE CD image you can build your desktop on
  • a nice KDE DVD image with selected applications
  • a nice Gnome DVD image with selected applications
  • systemd as our native initsystem (no initscripts needed)
  • Kernel 3.2.18 (3.3.7 or 3.4.0 optional)
  • Phil's CLI Installer 0.1.3
  • Manjaro Hardware Detection 0.1.2

Changes in 0.1.3pre2:

  • setup updates mirrorlist from manjaro server
  • root gets same skel as normal users
  • minimum boot-partition size changed to 50 MB
  • new set of packages to fit CD size

Changes in 0.1.3pre1:

  • added sudo-rights to user-setup
  • updated kernel to 3.2.18
  • added mhwd and adjusted setup and livecd scripts
  • added proprietary drivers for AMD and Nvidia
  • enhanced grub2 setup options
  • massive cosmetic changes in cli installer

We will focus now on our theming and hardware detection plus GUI installer.
Please test all our flavours and report back your findings. Our main-focus will be on the XFCE editon.

Download 0.1.3

I hope you like this release as much as we had fun to create it.

Posted by Philip Müller 2012-06-03

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