
How about a new MAD Winamp plug-in?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hey there! I'm not really a develloper but if u don't mind me asking... isn't anyone willing to build (and maybe update) a new MAD-based winamp plug-in? The current on is rather old, it doesn't even support id3v2, and since there have been improvements in the MADplay core, maybe someone could think about it... it's just a suggestion, but i bet a lot of people out there would appreciate this...

    If you want to discuss this idea (i don't know how to help build it cuz i'm not a programmer) u can reach me at

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have been using mad since 2001 and will not use any other but an update would be great about now huh????

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm a very satisfied user of MAD plug-in too. And I want new version too!!! Mainly because the lack of ID3v2 support and lack of Stream Info support! I even wrote an e-mail to Rob, the author, but no replies... :/ Anyone, who reads this, post your message here too, if you agree. A kind of petition. Hopefully Rob will see it...!!!!

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        i hope so.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I check back everyone month to see if there is a new version, i am anxious for some new features. i love the pie chart that shows the joint stereo separation. it helps me to know whether or not the encoder did the right job..... =)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      MAD winamp users will appeciate SO MUCH if they release it as 15.01b

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      WOW yeah *please* release a new version of the MAD Winamp plugin incorporating all the good work you've been doing!!!!

      Seems a shame if you've been working on MAD to improve it but that the final end-product that the masses see and use hasn't been updated!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Just a thought... the guy who wrote the original MAD plugin for Winamp, Rob, back in 2001, has a website at

      Seeing how Winamp's about the most widely used mp3-playing program out there, I'm sure SOMEBODY can get in touch with Rob to have a go at making a new plugin or maybe take over the project from him if he's lost interest!!

      I'd do it myself but don't have the knowledge to make Winamp plugins :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Emm.. I don't know about Rob but I found sources of MAD plugin on, added id3v2 supported and compiled it all with 15.01b decoder by MSVC6 compiler. BTW id3v2 still some buggy there.. May be someone else could help fix bugs.
      Links to download of current beta:
      in_mad.dll -
      sources -

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hmm, I've got more correct in_mad.dll plugin. He READ + WRITE id3v1/idv2 tags correctly. of course i can mail sources+dll anyone who is interested in it!
      ddn-dj <dog> yandex <dot> ru

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I made some fixes in my variant of plugin on Now I'm writing email for you - lets compare it with winmerge :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      my mailbox is empty. let me post again it:
      ddn-dj <dog> yandex <dot> ru

    • Nobody/Anonymous  crashed in msvcrt.dll? Send plz details how to reproduce it or better crashdump to support -doggy- killprog -dotty- com.


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