
#18 libmad (madplay) cannot play/decode MP3 file, all others can

erroneous behavior
libmad (9)

The attached file cannot be played by the latest
(0.15.0b) or previous (0.14.2b) versions of libmad (in
this case, using madplay). It simply reports lots of

error: frame 0: lost synchronization
error: frame 1: lost synchronization
error: frame 2: forbidden bit allocation value
error: frame 3: CRC check failed
error: frame 4: bad scalefactor index
error: frame 5: forbidden bit allocation value
error: frame 6: forbidden bit allocation value
error: frame 7: CRC check failed
error: frame 8: CRC check failed
error: frame 9: CRC check failed
error: frame 10: forbidden bit allocation value
error: frame 11: lost synchronization
error: frame 12: forbidden bit allocation value
error: frame 13: forbidden bit allocation value

Yet, mpg123 and xmms (on linux x86) and winamp (on
windows) plays this file fine.


  • Rick Pasetto

    Rick Pasetto - 2003-07-09
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Rick Pasetto

    Rick Pasetto - 2003-07-09

    Logged In: YES

    Note: file attachment failed. Please contact me for the MP3
    file. Note this is 100% reproduceable.

  • Rob Leslie

    Rob Leslie - 2003-07-09
    • status: open --> pending-works-for-me
  • Rob Leslie

    Rob Leslie - 2003-07-09
    • status: pending-works-for-me --> closed-out-of-date
  • Rob Leslie

    Rob Leslie - 2003-07-09

    Logged In: YES

    This is a problem in 0.14.2b that has been fixed in 0.15.0b.
    Some MPEG audio files use a reserved emphasis value in their
    frame headers; 0.14.2b rejects these (on the theory it is not a
    valid frame header) but 0.15.0b accepts them as long as the --
    enable-strict-iso option is not given to 'configure'.



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