
I can view files but only in original format

  • Kevin Wilson

    Kevin Wilson - 2013-02-21

    I installed lxr on Fedora 17.
    I use lxr release-0-11-1 (2012-03-27 tag)

    I followed the instruction, and navigating to the
    http://localhost/lxr/src I see the source files in the original format (as though the css
    and the templates were not activated, although they are in the lxr.conf file).

    Any idea What can be the reason ?

    my lxr.conf is here:

    And the /etc/httpd/conf.d/apache-lxrserver.conf is here:


  • Andre-Littoz

    Andre-Littoz - 2013-02-22


    Since you see HTML pages (even if they are not looking the way they should), there's nothing wrong with your Apache configuration. I looked at apache-lxrserver.conf and it looks fine.

    When you write "I see the source files", I suppose you see YOUR source files, not the LXR scripts. If the LXR scripts (source, diff, ident or search) are displayed, something is wrong with .htaccess.

    I went through your lxr.conf. Check the following items:

    1. HTML subsection (templates)
      Your OS-absolute file paths point to directory .../lxr/html/. Did you copy the templates from .../templates/ to this directory? If no, do it or change /html/ for /templates/ if you did not modify the templates.

    2. HTML subsection (CSS)
      'stylesheet' must contain an HTML file path (see Your comment shows an OS-absolute path (incorrect) while the active parameter designates an HTML path (correct). However, this path tells lxr.css is in the LXR root directory, i.e. next to lxr.conf. Did you copy it there? If you forgot to do it, CSS stylesheet is not found and all decoration is disabled.

    3. File management subsection (parameter 'filetypeconf')
      Your OS-absolute file path points to the LXR directory. Did you copy the file there? If not, this will prevent language parser selection and source files will all be considered as text (without cross references nor highlighting).

    4. Server configuration subsection
      You have both 'host_names' and 'baseurl' activated. This should not cause problems (because of the internal priority rules), but you should choose one of them.

    If all the files are in their advertised locations, there is no obvious reason for failure. Eventually, send a screen copy so that I can see the mess with the templates.

    If you can, I strongly suggest to upgrade to LXR 1.1.0 because configuration has been deeply reworked and is now computer-assisted in a more reliable way. Unhappily, many features have been added and the DB is not compatible. This means you can't just substitute the new LXR, you'll have to rerun genxref. See for the new installation procedure.



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