
Bug: Fading enabled, PF medium motor not drawn

  • David Manley

    David Manley - 2015-08-30

    LPub3D: LPub3D_x32.exe. Version 1.2.1 Revision 437 Build 1
    O/S : Windows Vista 32 bit, SP2

    I am experiencing issue with drawing the PF medium motor when fading is enabled. The behaviour I am experiencing is;
    1) the message "Failed to reload unofficial parts into memory" is displayed when the ldr file is opened
    2) the motor is not being displayed as a faded part on a subsequent step

    The following (simplistic) ldr file exhibits this behaviour:

    0 Untitled
    0 Name: motor_test.ldr
    0 Author: David Manley
    0 Unofficial Model
    0 ROTATION CENTER 0 0 0 1 "Custom"
    1 2 -81 0 35 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3811.dat
    0 STEP
    1 2 -72 -36 16 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 58120.dat
    0 STEP
    1 4 -126 -29 35 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3005.dat
    0 STEP

    The medium motor is an official LDraw part.



    • Trevor Sandy

      Trevor Sandy - 2015-08-31

      Hi David,

      It looks like LPub3D is not able to open/reload your file after generating the fade version of the parts in your .ldr file. The fade version are written to the unofficial archive (; hence, the error message. If you did not receive the effor message "Failed [to] archive fade parts." then generated fade parts should have been successfully writtent to

      Try checking the consistency of your file to be sure it is not corrupt and that it is the correct instance being updated with fade versions - e.g. open the zip to confirm that fade file versions are included.

      As a test, you may try backing up, and replacing your file with a clean version from LDraw.

      Using you example, I am not able to reproduce the error/behavior you are experiencing - so I'm not clear on why LPub3D cannot open your file. I am using Windows 10 but I don't believe your issue is related to the OS version. You can see my results via screenshots in the attached file.


  • David Manley

    David Manley - 2015-09-01

    Hi Trevor,

    I replaced the file with a clean version, as per your suggestion. While this has resulted in the message "Failed to reload unofficial parts into memory" no longer appearing, I'm still not getting the faded motor.

    How/when should the faded parts be written to the file? I can see from the file timestamp that the zip file has nominally been updated but there is no trace of any "fade" versions therein.



  • Trevor Sandy

    Trevor Sandy - 2015-09-02

    Hi David,

    When you enable fade steps, LPub3D will autimatically parse the unofficial ldraw directory for any previously generated fade parts. These parts are then inserted into the archive for the 3D viewer. Further on, when you open an mpd/ldr file, LPub3D will automatically create fade parts for all parts that have reference parts, subparts or primitives with color codes other than 16 or 24 - like 58120.dat. All parts with color codes other than 16 or 24 are defined in the fadeStepColorParts.lst. Faded parts are written to the unofficial directory and referenced in the CSI list as the step is faded. Otherwise, parts with color codes 16 or 24 are changed to the fade color as the step is faded - i.e. Parts without static color code.

    Note that the fadeStepColorParts.lst can be regenerated and/or edited from the configuration menu.

    Follow these steps to vierify your fade parts:

    1. Confirm <Drive>\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\LPub3D Software\LPub3D\extras\fadeStepColorParts.lst includes all all parts that either include or reference color codes other than 16 or 24. For LPub3D 1.2.1 Revision 437 Build 1, the list is 5745 lines and was generated on 06-04-2015. Part 58120 is at line 2063.
    2. Open LPub3D and enable fade steps in the Preferences dialog
    3. Open test mpd/ldr file in LPub3D - e.g. motor_test.ldr
    4. After the mpd/ldr file is successfully loaded, navigate to your unofficial parts directory (under ldraw directory)
    5. Confirm that there is a 'fade' directory under the 'parts' and 'p' directories
    6. Navigate to parts/fade directory and confirm that there is a fade version of the test part with color code reference other than 16 or 24 - e.g. 58120-fade.dat
    7. You may confirm that the file is properly faded by opening it in LDView for example
    8. The same unofficial folder structure should be in the file so navigate to the LPub3DViewer-Library (or whatever you named the archive directory when you installed LPub3D) under your ldraw directory and confirm that the archive folder structure and content is identical to that of your ldraw unofficial folder directory.
    9. If all these checks, are successful, then you should successfully display the faded part(s) in both the LPub3D main window and the 3D Viewer.

    Let me know if this helps you track down your issue.


  • David Manley

    David Manley - 2015-09-07

    Hi Trevor,

    steps 1 through 5 are fine. My install exactly matches the steps you describe. In step 6, no 58120-fade.dat file has been generated.

    I have also examined the content of the There are no "fade" sub-directories there-in.

    What would you suggest?



  • David Manley

    David Manley - 2015-09-07

    Hi Trevor,

    it appears that I may not be the only one experiencing this behaviour. Refer to,17176,17187#msg-17187 for someone else seeing the same thing.




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