
Move Sourcecode To GetHub?

  • Will

    Will - 2013-05-08


    Move the source code to a modern platform, GitHub? ;)



  • jmj

    jmj - 2013-05-08

    I can't see any advantage of that, at least as long as there is no other developers.

  • Will

    Will - 2016-02-14

    Well now it is easy:

    So why not. And lots of people do NOT trust Sourceforge these days.

  • Francois Botha

    Francois Botha - 2016-10-22

    I realise it might be a bit arrogant, but I created a Github organisation and imported the code to .

    @jmj I invited you to be a member of it. I'm willing to help contributing to the code, but only if it's on Github. SVN is just way too clunky for multiple distributed developers to work on.

    • Will

      Will - 2017-02-14


      One of these days I'll upgrade the Locate32 project to Visual Studio 2017, if no one beats me to it.

      Probally this summer some time.

      Then will see what I can fix.

  • jmj

    jmj - 2016-10-23

    Well if there is significant progress in Github, let it be the major branch.

    I am just bit doubtful, moving the source code from a place to another haven't gained so much contributino from another people before either.

  • Francois Botha

    Francois Botha - 2016-10-28

    Github is worth it just for github pages, the wiki, the better forums and issue tracking on its own, even if you ignore 'git' itself. Gitlab is awesome too.

  • jmj

    jmj - 2016-10-28

    Sounds nice indeed. But there problem is that, if there is no-one who can contribute, the wiki, better forums and issue control are useless. And I have bit hard time to believe the lack of contributors is due to the location of the source code and forums.

  • Francois Botha

    Francois Botha - 2016-10-28

    I'm having this same discussion with HeidiSQL's developer too ;-)

  • jmj

    jmj - 2016-10-28

    Well, I think I have had similar discussions earlier too. There were those people saying that making that making source code open would increase development significantly. So I published it years ago, but since there have been perhaps two people who have been really interested and contributed little bit. So why this changing to Git would be somehow different?

  • jmj

    jmj - 2016-10-28

    But that said, if someone really wants to take control and relocate the source code and forums to Git, and try to get some progress with this project, please go ahead!

  • Geoffrey De Belie

    Hi. I would like to see this happen. I guess GitHub is still up to date? I have a fix to commit.. :D

  • Chris Smith

    Chris Smith - 2017-07-23

    JM you were very much correct. Almost a year later after a import to GitHub and no contribs, no wiki, no discussion, nothing. Very interesting. As for myself, I am still using with no issues, even on win10. I personally would rather use something reliable than to have it updated every day and not working.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-01-04 has been taken control of by some spammers.

    • jmj

      jmj - 2018-01-04

      Yes, I am not owning the host name anymore.


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