
Central server clone, good ping lots of dropouts

  • Peter Hibbe

    Peter Hibbe - 2020-04-24

    Volkers central server works best for our band. Good ping and little dropouts.
    Since we do not want to use this permanently, we wanted to rent a similar private server.

    A previous article shows that Volkers Central-Server is based on the OpenVZ 7 package from (1 vCPU, 1 GB RAM).

    So we rented an identical package from (1 vCPU, 1GB RAM option)

    For testing purposes, the server is currently (April 24, 2020) marked as public and is called:

    The ping is very good but unfortunately there are a lot more dropouts compared to the Central Server ☹

    The configuration is:
    Headless server (without Jack stuff)
    Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (low-latency kernel linux-lowlatency-hwe-18.04)
    Set up according to

    May have something to do with the version of the server ?
    Jamulus Sever Version = Build from April 24th, 2020 (3.5.?)

    Is there any setting / parameter / OS / trick to prevent the dropouts?

    Thank you


    Last edit: Peter Hibbe 2020-04-24
    • Volker Fischer

      Volker Fischer - 2020-04-24

      I do not use a lowlatency Ubuntu, just the normal one.
      Interesting. Maybe 1fire treats the Virtual Servers differently. Maybe sometimes you have luck and get a place on a server which is not so crowded. But this is just guessing...

  • Konrad Viebahn

    Konrad Viebahn - 2020-04-24

    Hi Peter,
    It is exactly the same for me! I also rented one from fire1 and set it up successfully, according to the manual on the wiki. However, the auto jitter buffer on my fire1 server is between 6 and 7, whereas for another server (central, VIERundICH, etc) the jitter buffer is only 2 to 3 (and consequently I get a much better overall delay). I am not using the low-latency kernel, so it shouldn't depend on this.
    What factors can make the server jitter buffer increase?
    I tested the upload and download speeds from the server, they are >90Mbit/s for various locations. This should be fine (and the ping times, too, as you said).


    Last edit: Konrad Viebahn 2020-04-25