
Jambox: a Raspberry PI 4 - pre-built image runs Jamulus with web browser UI

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  • Jon J. Dustin

    Jon J. Dustin - 2020-12-01

    Agreed on the hostname, my plan is to leverage your index number so
    hostname becomes jambox1.local and the URL parameter is 1 as well.

    The .local DNS resolution is finicky, which is why I'm so happy to see your
    solution be much more elegant. But I also want to plan for the potential
    disaster of your site going down... 😁

    On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 4:04 PM Kevin Doren

    On my local network, jambox.local does not resolve under linux (i'm sure
    that could be fixed), Under Windows it resolves to an ipv6 address, and can
    be used to access web ui on Raspberry Pi.
    However I have 4 boxes on my network with same hostname, one of them is
    the "winner" which got the DNS entry, the others would need new hostnames
    to work via DNS.

    Jambox: a Raspberry PI 4 - pre-built image runs Jamulus with web browser

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  • Kevin Doren

    Kevin Doren - 2020-12-01

    BTW if you are flashing multiple microSD cards, you don't need to boot them to make changes. You can just drop/edit files in the /boot/payload/ directory tree. You might need to remove/reinsert the card after flashing for it to become visible.

    Files in the /boot/payload/ dir tree are copied into the / volume on first boot. You can also run commands by editing the file "/boot/unattended"

    This is done using using Jim Danner's "pi-boot-script". for more details see

    • Jon J. Dustin

      Jon J. Dustin - 2020-12-02

      I had a feeling those files were copied, nice to know how.

      We may have a bit of variability in audio hardware, as some existing units
      already have the hifiberry audio card. I'm still thinking on the best way
      to ensure the proper USB card is used for jack/JAMULUS.

      Side note - have you ever seen examples of how to use audio in/out from
      different devices? Thinking about usb mic and audio headphones.

      Thanks again.

      On Tue, Dec 1, 2020, 18:21 Kevin Doren wrote:

      BTW if you are flashing multiple microSD cards, you don't need to boot
      them to make changes. You can just drop/edit files in the /boot/payload/
      directory tree. You might need to remove/reinsert the card after flashing
      for it to become visible.

      Files in the /boot/payload/ dir tree are copied into the / volume on first
      boot. You can also run commands by editing the file "/boot/unattended"

      This is done using using Jim Danner's "pi-boot-script". for more details

      Jambox: a Raspberry PI 4 - pre-built image runs Jamulus with web browser

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  • Kevin Doren

    Kevin Doren - 2020-12-02

    normal use case is to use mic & headphones from same device (i.e. your audiobox). If that is what you are trying to do, but device is different between boxes, the alsa device id is set in /etc/jackdrc.conf. discovery/config could potentially be automated.

    If what you mean is: mic from one device, headphones from a different device, I haven't tried to do it but I expect it's possible. with Jamulus running, use the Patchage program (desktop icon) to drag wires to change patches. then save the patch file using aj-snapshot in a command window, putting the snapshot xml in .config/aj-snapshot/ dir. Then modify .config/Jamulus/jamulus_start.conf to use the new AJ_SNAPSHOT file.

  • Kevin Doren

    Kevin Doren - 2020-12-31

    FYI I just released jambox v1.2.0. I'll start another thread with details.

  • Phil B

    Phil B - 2021-01-02

    I tried Jambox on pi 4 today and I'm very impressed. Setup was so easy and performance was as good if not better than my (slighly old) i5 laptop running Ubuntu.

    Thank you.

  • Federico

    Federico - 2021-01-06

    Hi, first of all thank you so much for this amazing tool!!! I'm a Sonobus user and I was trying to install it on my Raspberry Pi and finally I found Jambox. Unfortunately I'm a very beginner with Linux and I don't know anything about coding. Two questions:
    1) I'm running Sonobus with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. In the audio settings do I have to choose ASLA or JACK as audio device? When I try to select ASLA it doesn't work.
    2) With JACK as audio device I can only select 64 samples as audio buffer size, is it normal? Is it possible to change this parameter?

    Thank you so much.

  • Kevin Doren

    Kevin Doren - 2021-01-06

    @Federico The "SonoBus Start" button launches a script that should set things up. SonoBus should be left set to "Jack" audio. The jack "PERIOD" and "NPERIODS" are set in /etc/jackdrc.conf (need to use "sudo" to edit).

    PERIOD defaults to 64, and Focusrite 2i2 should have no trouble with that so I suggest you leave it there (lower is normally better, and 64 is lowest). The number to adjust is NPERIODS, this defaults to 8 (to try to work for everyone) but you can dial it down to get lower latency, as low as you can go without having audio crackling etc. 2i2 can likely handle 4 or even 3.

    FYI there is a new SonoBus update, which you can get with the "Update Apps" button (need to answer "y" when prompted).

    For a summary of all config items, see the "Customizable Settings" section of the file on the landing page of my github repo:

    • Federico

      Federico - 2021-01-06

      Sorry Kevin but I really don't know hot to adjust adjust the number in NPERIODS. I've understood that is in /etc/jackdrc.conf but I don't know ho to go there and change the parameters. As I sad in my first post, I'm brand new to Linux and the only thing that I know at the moment is "sudo"! Lol

      • Kevin Doren

        Kevin Doren - 2021-01-07

        files in /etc/ normally require root privilges to edit. you get that with "sudo" ("superuser do") in front of the command.

        So, open a terminal window ( >_ icon on the taskbar at the top), then

        sudo leafpad /etc/jackdrc.conf

        for a GUI editor. then File -> Save, and hit "SonoBus Start" again.
        Next release I'll see if I can make this easier.

        • Federico

          Federico - 2021-01-07

          Thank you so much Kevin, now even a dummy like me can do it!!

  • Federico

    Federico - 2021-01-06

    Thank you so much Kevin!

  • Vincenzo

    Vincenzo - 2021-01-22

    Hi Kevin, what is the correct way to permanently change levels (gain/output volume) for an interface without physical controls? I am experimenting with a cheap adapter (I know, you discouraged using them, but I like testing things). Thanks.

    • Kevin Doren

      Kevin Doren - 2021-01-22

      From a discussion on my github repo, about hifiberry but applies to other interfaces:

      The script sets alsa default levels, but it doesn't yet know how to reach in and set internal levels.

      It's likely that there is a hifiberry setting that you need to increase, that isn't getting set by the jamulus startup script.
      You can probably get to them with the "alsamixer" command from a command prompt, it gives a simple graphical interface.
      You can run alsamixer while the different programs are running, to see what is different.
      You could also run "amixer -c 0" to get a dump of all settings, but there are a whole lot of them.

      If you find the setting you need to change, it can be changed from command line with the "amixer" command.
      The command could even be placed in .config/Jamulus/jamulus_start.conf which would run it when starting Jamulus.

  • Erich Krahmer

    Erich Krahmer - 2021-02-24

    first of all: what is the recommended forum to discuss jambox issues? This "hardware related" or "open discussion" Got a litte bit confused...

    For jambox I see two "business cases":
    1. an appliance for musicians/singers without technical background not being able or willing to tackle with operating systems, drivers, buffers etc. For about 100EUR they get a preconfigured bundle with a one-pager description how to plug in mains, LAN cable and how to wear the USB headset. For that purpose the integration of alsamixer is great to adjust mic and phones level of USB headsets
    2. A solution for musicians/singers equipped only with a locked&nailed company owned hardware. And a smartphone with WLAN and browser. These customers would apreciate jack_mixer to control their USB headsets in a user friendly manner.

    The integration of gain control is/was really needed

    Smart stuff: Headset plus cigarette-box sized computer makes us rehearse despite corona

    • Gilgongo

      Gilgongo - 2021-02-25

      Hi Erich - For new threads on all subjects:

      We're encouraging people to post support questions on our GitHub Discussions now (as Q&A). The forums here on SourceForge will be made read-only in the coming month or so.

      More information here

      BTW there is an discussion about gain control here:

    • Kevin Doren

      Kevin Doren - 2021-02-26

      For jambox-specific issues, I suggest you use github discussions/issues in the Jambox repo: (I'll be sure to see/respond if you put them there).

      Jambox 1.3.0 (beta coming soon) has "pimixer" on the desktop, it's the easiest way to get to internal controls of USB audio devices. You can install on 1.2.0 with "sudo apt install pimixer", and launch with "pi-menu" -> "preferences" ->"Audio device settings".

      However I do see your point about needing a really simple way to control headset volume... I need to look into that....

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