
Jamulus server-only on android

  • Sean

    Sean - 2015-11-08

    I have an android 'mini-pc' always switched on, which uses just 10W of
    power. It has a wired ethernet connection, and enough processor power to
    run the latest android os and various video streaming applications. I'd
    love to run a Jamulus server on it.

    How difficult would it be to create an android APK installer for the
    Jamulus server?

    The minimum requirements would be that it simply runs on some default port
    with reasonable default settings. Of course, it would be better to have
    some control over the configuration.

    I have no idea if it's possible to run a command-line application on
    android. That might avoid the need for android graphics coding?

  • Volker Fischer

    Volker Fischer - 2015-11-15

    In theory it is possible to compile Jamulus for Android. I have even started implementing the sound interface for Android a long while ago but this is not finished and the current code in the CVS does not work. But the server should run fine since it does not need the audio interface.

    Unfortunately I do not have a fast PC with the required installations available. On my old PC it was very painful to create a Jamulus Android binary so I gave up and deinstalled everything. So if you want to run Jamulus on your special PC, you have to either compile it yourself or find somebody who does it for you.

  • Simon Tomlinson

    Simon Tomlinson - 2020-03-24

    hi Volker,

    I'm just resurrecting this thread as I'm interested in seeing if we could get a version of jamulus GUI with audio (just using the internal mic of the android device) as having an android version would allow us to significantly increase the volume of singers on the platform which I noticed we are lacking.

    I've done a bit of android development in the past and would be happy to take a look at it as I note in your post above that your PC wasn't sufficiently fast enough for the IDE.

    What required installations are required for android to work, which IDE were you using?

  • Volker Fischer

    Volker Fischer - 2020-03-24

    It is a pain to setup the Qt Android development. Recently I tried it on both, a Windows and Linux OS, and I could not get it to run. You need an old Java version to get it working but I was not able to get the correct versions which are compatible. If you want to try that than go ahead. I wish you good luck :-).
    Not long ago I read about a new promising low latency audio interface for Android and I have created a feature request for that: To do some tests I wanted to setup the Android development environment but, as I wrote, I failed. If you make it to setup the environment, feel free to start the implementation on the AAudio interface. You should put it in the file.

    • Simon Tomlinson

      Simon Tomlinson - 2020-04-15

      Hi Volker.

      I've managed to get the Qt android dev env setup and compiling and launching jamulus on the android emulator.

      I'm just investigating the Oboe API and have added the libraries to the environment and currently just looking into what needs to be modified in sound.cpp/h to use Obeo instead of OpenSLES/AA directly.


      Last edit: Simon Tomlinson 2020-04-15
      • Volker Fischer

        Volker Fischer - 2020-04-16

        Great. Maybe it is a good idea to put Oboe as a Git Submodule in the jamulus\libs directory.

        • Simon Tomlinson

          Simon Tomlinson - 2020-04-16

          That's exactly where I've put it locally....

          On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 2:51 PM Volker Fischer wrote:

          Great. Maybe it is a good idea to put Oboe as a Git Submodule in the
          jamulus\libs directory.

          Jamulus server-only on android

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        • Simon Tomlinson

          Simon Tomlinson - 2020-04-16

          Have added oboe as submodule under libs and committed to my forked master. Is that the right way to do it?

          When you git clone you'll need to add "--recurse-submodules"

          • Volker Fischer

            Volker Fischer - 2020-04-16

            I actually haven't done submodules with Jamulus myself but it sounds ok to me. And yes, you need to update the submodules when you clone the repo. But the submodule is only needed if someone actually develops for Android. For all other OSs it is of no harm if the directory does not exist.

            • Simon Tomlinson

              Simon Tomlinson - 2020-04-16

              Ah yes good point! Yes it's pretty simple "git submodule add http:..." ;)

        • Simon Tomlinson

          Simon Tomlinson - 2020-04-16

          Have added oboe as submodule under libs and committed to master. Probably now when you git clone you'll need to add --recurse-submodules so it pulls all submodules including oboe.

          • Volker Fischer

            Volker Fischer - 2020-04-16

            Ok, so now try to include oboe in the sound.cpp file. If you succeed please create a merge request so that I can include your changes in the official Jamulus repo.

            • Simon Tomlinson

              Simon Tomlinson - 2020-04-16

              Will do!

  • Lars Werner

    Lars Werner - 2020-04-03

    The android-audio-high-performance project has been archived. Replacement project seems to be the project "Oboe":
    An Android app would be really useful for making music with non-technical musicians.
    I and probably many others would be quite willing to pay a few Euros for it.


    Last edit: Lars Werner 2020-04-03
    • Volker Fischer

      Volker Fischer - 2020-04-03

      Thanks, I have updated the ticket.

  • Wolfgan

    Wolfgan - 2020-05-05

    Sorry, I found a more updated thread, but couldn't delete my comment.


    Last edit: Wolfgan 2020-05-05