
People can’t see my server (default setting, firewall off)

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  • David CLARKE

    David CLARKE - 2020-09-21

    Further experiments. Server allows connection of two local clients both of which use 22134. Which protocol should be used for port forwarding of 22124? Neither TCP nor UDP seemed to work. Ensured that Jamulus Server is in list of trusted applications for incoming connections. It seemed to make no difference.
    Careful observation of server window when Make server Public is checked:
    Starts off Unregistered, briefly shows Registering and then shows Registered. However, Jamulus Explorer does not show server in list.

    Turned off Range extender and placed laptop close to router. Repeated all the above experiments. No difference. Turned Range Extender back on and re-tested. Results unchanged.

    • Gilgongo

      Gilgongo - 2020-09-21

      "Starts off Unregistered, briefly shows Registering and then shows Registered." this sounds like your ISP is getting in the way. Have a look at:

      • Gilgongo

        Gilgongo - 2020-09-21

        Oh sorry I mis-read that as "and then shows UNregistered". But it still may be your ISP.

  • David CLARKE

    David CLARKE - 2020-09-23

    Got my ISP to give me a static IP. Central Server (default) gives Central Server Full. Tried Classical. Registration failed. Tried All Genres. Registration succeeded. Server appears in AllGenres list and my client can connect to it. Thank you very much for your patient support.

  • David CLARKE

    David CLARKE - 2020-10-14

    Finally got other members of the consort not on my personal network to test my server. Server registers successfully under AllGenres and is visible to external clients. Selecting it and pressing Connect closes selection window and gives Trying to Connect on main client window. Then nothing. Got client to retry using my fixed public IP address. Same result. Got client to connect to HobsonsOpenMic and connected my own client to same server. Able to have a brief Jam session.

    Should I try :
    1. Opening a bigger port range on my private server.
    2. Getting my clients to open ports on their own routers

    Thanks for all the advice thus far.

    • Gilgongo

      Gilgongo - 2020-10-14

      Hi David, if you're running a public server they you shouldn't need to port forward at all (either on your router or any clients). In fact if you are I'd turn that off for now.

      Also, remember to always connect your own client to your own server using the server's local address. Don't try to connect it over a public Internet address as that can results in the problems you describe,

      Failure to register on the AllGenres (and sometimes other) is normal. The central servers have limits on how many hosts can connect, so if it says "failed" you need to either try a different one or wait for a slot to become free.

      Reading back on the thread you seem to have a number of combinations in which you report things do or do not work and it's a bit hard to follow. But you say "Able to have a brief Jam session" in your last post. Would that not be success?

      If not, then I would also check your router. Are there any settings in that (eg relating to fragmented packets or SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection)? If so try changing these. Also check the presence of any firewalls on you machine(s) that might be interfering.

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