
Usage Etiquette of the Public Servers

  • Craig Pardee

    Craig Pardee - 2021-02-10

    Our Orchestral group would like to attempt using Jamulus for 4-6 remote players plus the mix of the group on stage. We do not have the resources at this time to set up our own private server. Since the public servers are provided by individuals, we don't wish to commandeer someone else's rehearsal space. What is the protocol for this situation? Do we observe the proposed rehearsal time and see which servers are free during that period and then sign in and hope that we haven't inconvenienced the primary users? This would be a 3.5 hour rehearsal once a week on a Monday evening USA east coast. Our first attempts will be down streaming the stage to the remote players to follow along in real time.

  • DonC

    DonC - 2021-02-10

    Hi Craig,
    You've got it right. People leave their public servers online when they don't need them so others can use them. If there is nothing mentioned in the server welcome message mentioning there will be rehearsals and when, go ahead and use the server.
    It is also a good idea to keep a look out for a second server to use in case there are sudden connection problems or such. That is also a security in case a group asks you to please leave a server. That has never happened to me yet 'though. There are always many empty servers that can be used.
    FYI it is possible to have two separate rehearsals on at the same time on a server. If all the people in your group set "Solo" for all the members of your group they will hear each other and no-one else. A second group could do the same at the same time.
    Have fun!