
#4 Failure (with no diagnostics) on C1050



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO
    Browser: Mozilla/3.01Gold (Macintosh; I; 68K)

    I downloaded the latest kernel images (linked with
    ramdisks) for the Vadem Clio from I
    edited a cycacecfg.txt file, remembering to add
    the bootstring append=/dev/ram0.

    Loading with CyaCE seemed to go OK, but was
    immediately followed by the screen blanking ... then
    nothing at all. No activity on the serial port
    either (I had a terminal emulator plugged in).
    Same effect with all the kernels.

    Note that this is a Vadem Clio C1050, 32Mb RAM, not
    an original C1000.

    Anyone got any clues for someone who's utterly new
    to running Linux on a MIPS HP/C machine?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I played with Linux on my Vadem Clio C-1050 about a year or
    more ago and recall that the C-1050 has a different video
    chip. Since Linux was using a simple frame buffer all it
    needed was a pointer to the starting address of the video
    ram, this meant though that I needed to compile my own
    kernels for it to work. I seem to recall the C-1050 video
    chipset being a SED1356, and I created a new frame buffer
    video driver with an appropriate video ram base address,
    after that I had it up and running.


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