
LinPHA slow - how to set indexes in DB?

  • JB323

    JB323 - 2009-03-17


    I'm new to the LinPHA software and I have installed the following applications in order to make LinPHA work.

    OS: Windows Server 2003
    LinPHA version 1.3.4
    Xampp version 1.7.0
    ImageMagick 6.4.9-Q16

    After visiting this forum a lot I succeeded in making LinPHA work. At the moment there are approximately 18000 pictures stored in 17 (first level) directories, 167 (second level) subdirectories and 953 (third level) subdirectories.

    The problem now is that LinPHA is very slow when it opens and sometimes it doesn't open at all. Then my browser stays frozen in the current window and it says waiting for http://my-ip-address/linpha/index.php.

    I've been told that the problem could be caused by the mysql-queries and that I have to index the DB with primary keys and unique keys. But I don't know where to start. Is there a default way of setting these indexes right in LinPHA or does anyone have a good way of setting them?

    Maybe I just don't have enough memory, but I've already increased the memory_limit and post_max_size up to 256MB, and the upload_max_size to 248 MB in php.ini.

    I hope someone can help me.

    Best regards,

    • bzrudi

      bzrudi - 2009-03-17

      Hi Jan,

      you do not need to set indexes anywhere as they already are set. The only index not set is (if I remember right), the one for IPTC data table. But as long as your images do not contain IPTC data it all should be fine.
      Did you run "Create all Thumbs" from within the admin section already? If not, Linpha will be slow at the beginning cause all md5sums and stuff need to be prepared before displaying any content.
      So run that first to have all thumbs ready. Then enable the "Image  Cache" plugin, but *not* the SQL cache. All to be found in admin section.
      The 18000 photos are no problem at all as I now of installations with 1.000.000+ images...

      cheers bzrudi

    • JB323

      JB323 - 2009-03-18

      Hi Bzrudi,

      Thanks for the information. I'didnt enable IPTC data, so no problem. For the rest I did everything you said (create all thumbs, enable image cache plugin and disable SQL cache)

      I also found a thread ( on the LinPHA forum, something to do with the Apache configuration. I also tried that a bit and it made LinPHA perform faster too.

      Thanks for your help and remember that LinPHA is great software

      cheers Jan

      • bzrudi

        bzrudi - 2009-03-18


        you should also disable "Autocreate all thumbnails" in admin section, as it will prevent LinPHA to rescan every directory for changes during viewing and should give a significant boost when having lots of directories. When you add new images, just run "Create all thumbs" again.

        cheers bzrudi

    • JB323

      JB323 - 2009-03-19


      Thanks, did that too. With al these settings LinPHA is much faster now, but in some folders it still crashes. I think it's got something to do with the fact he cannot read eps-files. I don't know why because I've installed ImageMagick and Ghostscript and when I convert the eps-files in command line it works normally, but LinPHA doesn't detect them. What can be wrong here?


      greetings, Jan


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