
LBreakoutHD 1.0.4 Released

Fixed a number of minor issues and crashes, added stereo sound and shine effect. Thanks to the help of Rafał Rutkowski it will now work on non 16:9 ratios as well. [end]

Posted by Michael Speck 2019-03-10
  • Robert Gabin

    Robert Gabin - 2019-03-25

    Hello and thanks for hours of fun. Will there be a windows version of Lbreakouthd ?

  • Michael Speck

    Michael Speck - 2019-03-26


    hopefully yes, but I tried and failed :-( in MinGW it doesn't compile properly, in Cygwin it compiles but crashes immediately...

    in MinGW it was a MinGW bug if I remember correctly nothing I could do and in cygwin I didn't find a solution.

    Maybe it's just my system because there are ports of other games so obviously it can be done...




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