
#255 Do not check account opening date when creating transactions


When you try to create a new transaction that is before the account opening date, the apply button is deactivated, so you can enter the transaction, but cannot save your changes. It is very confusing, because you get no information, why you cannot save it.
Technical view: The account opening date is used for the forecast function, so it is a necessary value
Users view: for the user the account opening date is only an information that is entered in the account dialog, or is automatically set during QIF import

So there could be two solutions:
1. Do not accept transactions with a date before the account opening date, but give the user a warning message if he tries to enter such a transaction
2. Do not do any checking when entering a transaction. Instead (for the forecast function) the date of the first transaction could be stored automatically in a hidden field and the account opening date is no longer used for the forecasts, but this new hidden field

I propose solution 2 because it is the best from users point of view.


  • Alvaro Soliverez

    The way this is stated, it's a Won't fix from me. I don't endorse dumbing down the application to allow the users to enter bad data.

  • Thomas Baumgart

    Thomas Baumgart - 2009-10-02

    The account opening date is also used for the opening balance transaction. Allowing transactions prior to this date caused some trouble in the past.

    So my proposal would be to follow solution 1) and even add checks to other locations as well. Also, one should not be allowed to modify the opening date to something past the current earliest transaction contained in the account.

  • Markus

    Markus - 2009-10-02

    Alvaro, the point is not to endorse dumbing down the application to allow the users to enter bad data. The question is how to improve it, so the user is not in the dark. Giving the user a warning message is the minimum that KMM could do for being intuitive, instead of simply deactivating the apply button and don't tell him why he cannot save the transaction. Maybe there is any other good idea how to fix this issue?