
#1763 Add Search in (Custom) String Fields to Find options

Find (1)

It would be helpful to be able to Search in "(Custom) String fields" in Find.

Current methods of finding and managing custom string fields in entries are cumbersome. Also custom string fields could be used in a similar fashion as tags (e.g. search for entries containing the String Field "Account Number", "Routing Number" or "Credit Card Number", etc...) provided that there is a convenient method for reconciling inconsistent user naming.


  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2013-07-31

    I meant Search in: String Field Names.


    Last edit: wellread1 2013-07-31
  • OLLI_S

    OLLI_S - 2017-03-28


    I also support this suggestion.

    I used the plugin "KeeFox" and after testing it, I deceded to uninstall the KeeFox plugin.
    Now I need a way to search for password entries containing the String Field Name "KPRPC JSON" (KeeFox adds this field to store the field names of the website).
    This can be achieved via the "KPFieldsAdminConsole" plugin but having a built-in search would be really fantastic.

    Let me also extend this suggestion:
    It would be very useful to have a combo-box where I see a list of all existing string fields (the names).
    Reason: I saw in the "KPFieldsAdminConsole" plugin that I have some very similar field names with different spelling (like "Old PIN" and "Old Pin").
    With a combo box I see this and can filter for these entries and correct the spelling.

    So, Dominik, please implement this in KeePass.
    It would be a real powerful feature to search and correct my entries.




    Last edit: OLLI_S 2017-03-28
  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-03-28

    KeePass already has a drop down for custom field names - on the Advanced tab.

    cheers, Paul

  • OLLI_S

    OLLI_S - 2017-03-28

    Hello Paul,

    I know this list very vell (use string fields very often).
    This drop down should be added to the "Find" dialog, so I can select the string field name and KeePass searches for all entries that have this string field.
    Paul, if you like the suggestion, please volte for it :-)



  • OLLI_S

    OLLI_S - 2017-03-28

    In my case searching for password entries tat have a specific string field is the best solution, because:
    1. I can use the search to find entries with similar field names but different spelling (capitalization)
    2. I can search the "KeeFox" entries and delete the field manually (maybe this is old-school, but I want to delete stuff manually

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2017-03-28

    If you are interested in manual inspection and editing of values contained in a particular string field then you can display the string field in the main view list pane: select the desired string field in the Configure Columns dialog (Tools>Configure Columns...). You can perform various searches and sort and group the results as you can for other searches. The only limitation of this method is that it cannot distinguish an entry that doesn't contain the string field, from an entry that contains the string field with an empty value.


    Last edit: wellread1 2017-03-28
  • OLLI_S

    OLLI_S - 2017-03-28

    This was not helping me because I have about 500 password entries and just 21 have the desired field.
    I would have to search for everything, then deactivate grouping and then sort by this field.
    A combo box in the search dialog would be much more user friendly.

  • OLLI_S

    OLLI_S - 2017-04-07


    sorry, my last post was a bit confusing....

    To view the column "KPRPC JSON" (with the user-defined field) was not helping me.
    To find all entries where there is something in that column I would have to
    - deactivate grouping the entries
    - search for all entries (enter nothing in the search window so I get all entiries)
    - sort ny the column "KPRPC JSON"
    - after I am finished with removing the entries in the column "KPRPC JSON" I would have to acrivate grouping (set it to "Auto").

    When you add a new combo-box where I see a list of all existing string fields then this would be less actions.
    And I also can easily search for other string fields (when the same field is in the list with different spelling).
    Much more user friendly.

    I hope this is now more understandable.



    Last edit: OLLI_S 2017-04-07
  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-04-08

    This is where KPFieldsAdminConsole plugin works.

    cheers, Paul

  • OLLI_S

    OLLI_S - 2017-04-17

    As I have written before a search for string fields would be more user friendly.
    @Dominik: what do you say?

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2017-04-19
    • status: open --> closed
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2017-04-19

    I've implemented this; in the 'Find' dialog there's now an option 'String name'.

    Here's the latest development snapshot for testing:

    Best regards,

  • OLLI_S

    OLLI_S - 2017-04-20

    A quick test worked perfectly.
    So now I can search in string fields, but when I want to see a list of all string fields then I have to use the KPFieldsAdminConsole plugin.

    This is working for me...


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