
#1736 Report Database Changes

Tech Guy

I cant seem to find a way to get KeePass2 to report when the database file has changed.

The database is synchronized and accessed in multiple locations and never closed. When a change to the database is made in location A, location B is not notified of this, so when location B makes a modification, it overwrites the changes made at location A.

I very much think it should work Notepad++ when a file is changed, it displays a popup saying this file has changed, would you like to reload the new version, yes or no. This would prevent changes from being overwritten with out knowing beforehand.

It seems everyone is on the cloud these days, and I would like to achieve this functionality in KeePass.

Thanks for the help!


  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2013-05-27

    When a change to the database is made in location A, location B is not notified of this, so when location B makes a modification, it overwrites the changes made at location A.

    KeePass will never overwrite a changed database unless explicitly instructed to by the user.

    Make sure that Tools>Options>Advanced(tab)>Start and Exit(section): "Automatically save when closing/locking the database" is checked.

    If this setting is checked and a database has changed behind the user's back, KeePass 2.x reactively displays a dialog box reporting that the database is changed when the user attempts to save or close the database. I have attached a screeshot of the dialog. The default action in the three choice dialog is to synchronize the currently open database with the changed database, merging the changes. Changes are overwritten only if the user explicitly chooses the overwrite option.

    I very much think it should work Notepad++ when a file is changed, it displays a popup saying this file has changed, would you like to reload the new version, yes or no.

    Proactive notification of a changed database is not implemented, but reactive notification is. If you prefer a more automatic synchronization scheme, triggers can be used to automatically synchronize the database when it is opened or closed. The trigger examples help page provides an example of a recommended synchronization trigger for dropbox.

    If proactive notification is considered essential you could probably implement this in a plugin.

    The database is synchronized and accessed in multiple locations and never closed

    Passwords are fully accessible to anyone with access to the computer when the database is left open. Leaving the database permanently open is not recommended.


    Last edit: wellread1 2013-05-27
  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2013-05-27

    Note: The user also has the opportunity to synchronize changes if they select SAVE changes upon closing a database and Tools>Options>Advanced(tab)>Start and Exit(section): "Automatically save when closing/locking the database" in NOT checked . The difficulty with this option is that the user is presented with an opportunity to Discard changes before they are given an opportunity to Synchronize changes in the next dialog.

  • Tech Guy

    Tech Guy - 2013-05-27

    Thanks, not sure how to close this topic. But this seems to be working.

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2013-06-26
    • status: open --> closed
    • Priority: 9 --> 5

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