
Problem with Microsoft Account

  • SJT

    SJT - 2013-12-06

    Hi, I'm new to KeePass. I installed it yesterday together with KeyForm and made two entries just to learn about the functionality/operation. One of my entries seems to work fine. The other - to sign in to a Microsoft Account (to use the MS Communities) won't work using KeyForm - the username entry doesn't populate the relevant box on the URL - the password does populate. Also, drag and drop won't work with this Microsoft Account - the barred indicator remains on whilst hovering over the username box.

    Any ideas ? Am I asking this question in the correct venue ? Thanks.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-12-07

    KeyForm probably can't find a username box. It's worth asking on the KeeForm support site - which I can't find offhand.

    Windows and associated programs control drag n drop, not KeePass. Can you post the login URL and we can test?

    cheers, Paul

  • SJT

    SJT - 2013-12-09

    Microsoft Account URL (populates neither username nor password) is

    Also, see FutureLean (populates only password) :

  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-12-09

    The MS site resists drag n drop - probably a scripting issue. The field names are "login" and "passwd". I suspect you need to tell KeyForm to use the correct field names.

    FutureLearn has field names of "email" and "password".

    cheers, Paul

  • SJT

    SJT - 2013-12-10

    Many thanks Paul. Can you advise, or point me to a webpage that advises, how I would go about "telling" KeyForm to use the correct field names ? Also, how did you discover the correct field names ?


  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-12-11

    Looking at the KeeForm code it appears to use field types rather than names.
    The MS site has type="email" for the user name and KeeForm seems to expect type="text". The same is true for FL. I thought you could change the KeeForm behaviour, but this does not seem to be the case for user name and password fields.

    I use Firefox and right clicking on the user name / password field and selecting "Inspect element" shows the code behind the field.

    cheers, Paul

    • SJT

      SJT - 2013-12-11

      Has anyone any more suggestions ? Thanks

  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-12-12

    Tell KeeForm to not fill in the MS site and use KeePass Auto-Type instead.

    cheers, Paul

  • SJT

    SJT - 2013-12-14

    Thanks Paul

  • Monokolum

    Monokolum - 2014-02-13


    I have the same problem with the same Microsoft account mentioned above.
    I don´t use KeyForm for this account, only a "normal" Keepass entry.
    When I open the URL manually and then click on "Auto-Type" from the Keepass-entry it works
    correctly, but when I use URL--> open then its not working, username gets not filled correctly only password-field. So logging in results in a error message.
    Also tried with the advanced tab and added the fields "login" and "passwd" (without quotes) but does not work.
    Can somebody guide me to the right entry for this Microsoft Account ?

    Would be really nice.
    Thank you very much for help.


    Last edit: Monokolum 2014-02-13
  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-02-13

    This suggests KeeForm is attempting to fill in the user name and password for you. KeePass on it's own will only type the user/pass after you explicitly tell it to, via Auto-Type or similar.

    cheers, Paul


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