
KeePass 2.08 URL override

  • Doug Dimick

    Doug Dimick - 2009-07-17

    I'm attempting to get KeeForm going, however it appears that URL override is completely non-functional on my 2.08 installation. Changing the override string to do anything, such as launch notepad, has no effect whatsoever and URLs continue to be launched in my browser regardless of what's in the override string.

    OS is Vista 64 with UAC disabled.

    Anyone seeing anything similar? Did a quick pass on the bug tracker but didn't see this one.

    • Paul

      Paul - 2009-07-18

      This has not been seen before. Are you sure you set the URL override correctly - on the properties tab?

      cheers, Paul

      • U883k2

        U883k2 - 2009-07-18

        No URL override is specified for any entry. Could you clarify why this setting might cause this problem? The problem happens when copying non-URL info (user name, password) to the clipboard, then having KeePass clear the clipboard and Office 2007 SP2-apps subsequently crashing when accessing the clipboard, including on close.

        • U883k2

          U883k2 - 2009-07-18

          Please disregard my previous post; I didn't post in the right thread. Apologies.

    • Doug Dimick

      Doug Dimick - 2009-07-18

      Hi Paul -

      The URL override was set by Keeform upon installation, in Options/Integration. "Override all URLs" is checked and the string is cmd://"{APPDIR}\KeeFormFF.exe" "{URL}" "{USERNAME}" "{PASSWORD}" "{ENTERFORM}". Keeform is never launched when I click a URL from an entry, though. I've also tried setting the URL override string to cmd://C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\notepad.exe, just to see if it would launch anything, but no dice, it still just opens the URL with Firefox.

    • Doug Dimick

      Doug Dimick - 2009-07-18

      Forgot to add that I've also tried setting the URL override in the properties of an individual entry, same results though. No effect at all.

    • Paul

      Paul - 2009-07-18

      Works for me.
      KeePass V2.08
      Override URL: cmd://notepad.exe {USERNAME}

      Double click the URL and Notepad opens.

      cheers, Paul

    • Doug Dimick

      Doug Dimick - 2009-07-18

      Nope, nothing. Very weird. URLs open when I single-click on them. Are you on a 64-bit system?

      • Captain Kaos

        Captain Kaos - 2009-08-18

        im running W7 64 and can test it but dont know correct code to get FF to open
        Url-Override: cmd://{what goes here } "{URL}"
        if some one lets me know i can do asap

    • Doug Dimick

      Doug Dimick - 2009-07-23

      Is there anything else I can do to troubleshoot this problem? Screen caps, traces?

    • Paul

      Paul - 2009-07-23

      May be an X64 issue. Anybody else able to test?

      cheers, Paul

    • Piotr

      Piotr - 2009-07-23

      On Vista x64
      KeePass v2.08
      Override URL: cmd://notepad.exe {USERNAME}

      - clicking the url on the list of enterie (URL columne)
      openes notepad and askes to create a file.
      - clicking an url in the bottom notes region
      openes web page (this might be a BUG - probably not only on x68)

      In case of creating an Url override for http only both clickes result in opening notepad.

      Piotr J

    • Doug Dimick

      Doug Dimick - 2009-07-24

      Thank you, Piotr. I had not tried clicking the URL in the list of entries and,  honestly, never noticed the URL column there as I'm accustomed to clicking it in the notes section.

      My behavior is exactly the same. URL override works if clicking the link in the list of entries, does not work if clicking the URL in the bottom notes section.

      • Captain Kaos

        Captain Kaos - 2009-08-19

        This is in the url/ENTRY TAB
        This is in the Override URL/ Prop. tab   cmd://{FIREFOX}

        out come
        in the box below i can click on the link and it will open firefox and then i have to
        "Preform Auto Type"  that works for me

        if i choose  "Open in Browser"  it gives error below

        hope that helps
        W7 64 bit RC1

    • Paul

      Paul - 2009-07-25

      Same result for the X86 version of 2.08.

      cheers, Paul

    • Paul

      Paul - 2009-08-18


      cheers, Paul

    • Paul

      Paul - 2009-08-19

      Sounds like "open in browser" does exactly what it says. Not sure if you would call it a bug, more like "I didn't realise it varied depending on context"..

      cheers, Paul


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