
Problems with SFTP (IOProtocolExt plugin) and Windows 10 Pro

  • Nordstern

    Nordstern - 2016-01-07

    I used to load my kdbx database over sftp from my own domain on my old win 7 pro home machine with the IOProtocolExt plugin.
    On my new windows 10 pro machine at work the database loads (same config as the windows 7 machine) but gives an "databsae corrupted" error after loading the db.
    Back at home the db can load w/o any problems. so the db is clean. Even when i copy the db at work manuell to the machine desktop an load from there, i can load the db w/o any problems. So there must be an problem with the IOProtocolExt plugin or with WinSCP. Maybe it is a problem with the rights given on Windows 10 as i noticed there ar some new restrictions.

    Anyone that can test and can verify the problems? Thank you for your help!

    Friendly regards

  • Nordstern

    Nordstern - 2016-01-07

    Addition: Even simple standard FTP doesn't work. So it have to be an general problem... Maybe the access rights in the temp folder? Any ideas?


    Last edit: Nordstern 2016-01-07
  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-01-07

    I'd say the work firewall is not allowing you correct access.
    Do you need to authenticate to get through the firewall / proxy? If so there is a change to the authentication mechanism in the next version of KeePass - due very soon.
    Can you download the file via FTP in your browser?

    cheers, Paul

  • Nordstern

    Nordstern - 2016-01-08

    I have tested the download with firewall off. Download via ftp in Firefox is possible.
    I can see, that the kdbx file in keepass is downloaded twice. after check it says the file is crrupted. i think, there is some problems with the rights, but do not know where to check it...

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-01-08

    Can you open the file via FTP without the plug-in?
    FTP via Internet Explorer?

    cheers, Paul

  • Nordstern

    Nordstern - 2016-01-15

    Yes, opening the file without the plugin via ftp does work. So it must be a problem with the plugin. Any Idea?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-01-15

    KeePass uses the .NET FTP calls which honours your firewall authentication, the plug-in does not.
    There is no fix for this - the plug-in is meant to bypass .NET - unless a newer version of WinSCP has a solution.

    cheers, Paul

  • Nordstern

    Nordstern - 2016-01-17

    According WinSCP should be able to work with Windows 10. For testing i disabled the firewall. It even downloads the file, but it says it's corrupted....

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-01-17

    Can you download it manually with WinSCP?

    cheers, Paul

  • Nordstern

    Nordstern - 2016-02-05

    With the new released IOProtocolExt v1.11 everything works fine. Thank you for your Help! ;-)


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