
KeePass Opening to Empty Page

  • Joseph Socie

    Joseph Socie - 2017-05-07

    My KeePass was working perfectly and then today I opened it up and it never went to the password logon screen, but opened to an empty page void of all passwords. Need help badly.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2017-05-07

    If you use KeePass 2.x

    Select File>Open>Open File... from the KeePass menu. Browse to, and select your database to open it. Or, if the File>Open Recent list is populated, select your database from the recently used list.

    If you use KeePass 1.x

    Select File>Open>Open File... from the KeePass menu. Browse to, and select your database to open it. KeePass 1.x does not have a recently used list.

  • Joseph Socie

    Joseph Socie - 2017-05-07

    where might the database be by default or what should I search for?

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2017-05-07

    KeePass does not create a default database location. The password database is stored at the location you chose when you created it, or wherever you have moved it to. You should store your database among your other user files, for example in a folder such as %USERPROFILE%\Documents\KeePass.

    If you don't know where your database is, search your entire disk for all files with the default database file extension. For KeePass 2.x the file extension is .kdbx, for KeePass 1.x the file extension is .kdb.

    • Did you do, or observe, anything significant on your computer or with KeePass since the last time you successfully opened your database?
    • What edition of KeePass are you using? 1.x or 2.x?

    Last edit: wellread1 2017-05-07
  • Joseph Socie

    Joseph Socie - 2017-05-07

    KeePass Password Safe Version 1.32

  • Joseph Socie

    Joseph Socie - 2017-05-07

    wellread, thank you for your assistance. Turns out that my grandson ened up disconnecting my book drive where my database files are stored as my backup. Again, thank you.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-05-07

    You should not be opening you backup database. Use the one on your hard dtive and leave the backup as a backup.

    cheers, Paul


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