
Database sync between PC and Andoid 6.0.1 won't work

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  • Roland Liedtke

    Roland Liedtke - 2017-05-27

    Up to now, I synced the Keepass database (stored on the SD-Card in the mobile) between Keepass 2 on the PC (Win7) and the mobile (Android 5.1, Keepass2Android) via USB cable and the USB mass storage mode. Unfortunately there is no USB mass storage mode in Android 6. So the sync failed with a message, that the access on the file in (here is the long path for temporary internet files and the database filename with a [1] in the name) was denied. (I got the same message with Android 5 using the MTP-mode).
    I am able to store files on the SD-card now, (this was not possible with Android 5 and MTP-mode). But the sync now failed as described. Also in PTP and Midi mode, there is no sync possible.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2017-05-27

    Android and Windows are different operating systems with different file systems. If you want to sync files, you need use a method that both OSes understand. Cloud storge services (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive) bridge these differences transparently. I recommend you use one of these services in your sync scheme.

    • Ritchie strat

      Ritchie strat - 2017-06-15

      I uploaded  .kbd to cloud​  from​ PC, then download​to droid6.0, file open ​fine but​the pwd are wrong​ ! ​

      • fritzophrenic

        fritzophrenic - 2017-06-15

        You didn't say what app you're using, but if you're using Keepass2Android like the original poster, then your app expects database compatible with KeePass "Professional" (current version 2.36). However, unless it's a typo, you have a file from a KeePass version 1.x installation (a .kdb file) instead of a file from KeePass 2.x (a .kdbx file). Install a newer version of KeePass, import your database, and try again.

  • Roland Liedtke

    Roland Liedtke - 2017-05-28

    Well, I know that. But it worked with Android 5, so why not with 6? And I don't like to have my passwords in the cloud, even when they are encrypted.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2017-05-28

    What goes on in Android is beyond the scope of this forum. You need to talk to the Android 6 people.

  • fritzophrenic

    fritzophrenic - 2017-05-28

    If you're able to store your database on an SD card you could always take the SD card out and plug it into your computer to sync it.

    Otherwise, whatever method allows you to see the file in Windows file explorer should allow you to sync with it. You're correct that many phones no longer allow USB mass storage mode mode in later versions of Android, there's really nothing KeePass or any other Windows program or android app can do about it.

  • Roland Liedtke

    Roland Liedtke - 2017-06-10

    I agree, that's also an Android case. But, as mentioned, it worked with Andriod 5. That was a clear thing: In MTP-mode, it was read only, so sync clearly won't work. In USB-mass-storage mode it acted as a stick, so sync was possible. On the other hand, the SD-card was not to be seen in the mobile, it was unmounted in that mode. In Android 6 there is no USB-mass-storage mode, but now, it is possible to store files from PC on the SD-card in MTP-mode. At this point, I don't understand, why the sync is still not possible. I noticed, that there is a strange behavior with files in MTP-mode and Windows, it seemed, that they are mirrored in a temp directory on the HD, and the error I get at the sync seems to result from the same behavior, although windows is now able to write on the SD-card.

    And yes, there is a workaround: copying the KP-Database from the mobile in a temp-place on PC, sync with that copy and restoring the synched copy on SD-card. But it was easyer without that copying.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-06-10

    Try turning off File Transactions (Tools > Options > Advanced, File Input/Output Connections).
    This makes saves less safe.

    cheers, Paul

  • Roland Liedtke

    Roland Liedtke - 2017-06-15

    Thank you Paul, but won't work either.

  • Ritchie strat

    Ritchie strat - 2017-06-15

    issueissue I have is somewhat related , when opening the portable dtabase .kbd file from my pc on my phone (Adroid 6.0), the file contains all the objects   but​ all​  the passwd are wrong! rendering it useless!   Any ideas?​

  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-06-15

    What app are you using to open the database?
    How do you know the passwords are wrong?

    cheers, Paul

    • Ritchie strat

      Ritchie strat - 2017-06-16

      I should know my passwords, shouldn't I,
      display pwd show my pwd.

      what app? keepassdroid

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2017-06-16

    when opening the portable dtabase .kbd file from my pc on my phone (Adroid 6.0), the file contains all the objects but all the passwd are wrong!...Any ideas?

    There are not too many possibilities:

    • The android app trashed your file (not very likely, but you would need to post on the KeePass2Android forum to address that one).
    • You opened the wrong file.
    • You are not interpreting what you see correctly.
  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-06-17

    Try opening the database with KeeWeb to confirm the passwords are wrong.

    cheers, Paul

    • Ritchie strat

      Ritchie strat - 2017-06-18

      i tried​that and​it could​not open it. i am confident that  ther is nothing​ wrong wt .kdb file,  I uploaded​it from​my pc 2dys ago. But I'm not 100% convinced​ that the db is truly​ platform agnostic.  ​

      • wellread1

        wellread1 - 2017-06-18

        KeeWeb does not support .kdb files

        The password database is a file. Since there exist Android, Linux and Mac apps[compatible apps] that can read .kdb files, we can consider the file to be OS agnostic. However it is still possible that the transfer of the file from one file system to another could damage it. Some transfer services e.g. Dropbox, may work better than others

        [compatible apps]
        KeePassDroid Android: Read/Write support for .kdb
        KeePassX Linux and other platforms: Import .kdb files only
        MiniKeePass: iphone Read/Write .kdb files


        Last edit: wellread1 2017-06-18
  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-06-19

    Are you sure the database is recent? If it is an old database the passwords may have been changed by you.

    cheers, Paul

    • Ritchie strat

      Ritchie strat - 2017-06-19

      I update my .kdb at minimum, twice a week and immediately store a bkup copy locally, as well as upload a copy to Google-drv.
      this system has NEVER failed me on PC, and infact inintheinintheintthehetheintheinthetheintthethe other day I found a .kdb on a DVD bkup from 2013, opens fine, no issues.
      Problem is interoperability between Droid, Mac, and PC. which apparently is far more complicated than what meets the eye and it would be helpful to understand why!
      I can open on my phone, or macMac an excel file created on PC. without any complication. It would be nice to be able to do the same thing on KEEPASS, wouldn't it?

      • fritzophrenic

        fritzophrenic - 2017-06-20

        Problem is interoperability between Droid, Mac, and PC. which apparently is far more complicated than what meets the eye and it would be helpful to understand why!
        I can open on my phone, or macMac an excel file created on PC. without any complication. It would be nice to be able to do the same thing on KEEPASS, wouldn't it?

        Most people can open a KeePass database on their phone without any complication. It's hard to say what is causing problems in your case. Next steps to try solving the problem are probably:

        1. Try a different way to get your database onto your phone. You never mentioned how you did that, but some people have noticed odd issues when they transfer the database over USB, and the suspicion is that the database got corrupted somehow during the process. You mentioned you have a copy on Google Drive, you can try grabbing the database out of there.
        2. Try upgrading to KeePass 2.36. KeePass 2 is more actively developed, has more features, and in particular I believe it has more file integrity checks. Plus, with a .kdbx database, you have more options for the mobile app you use to open the database, so if the issue lies with your mobile app you can try switching that as well.
        • Ritchie strat

          Ritchie strat - 2017-06-21

          Keepass on mymy Android is ver.,
          on my PC it's post ver 2, i think it's 2.36
          my .kdb was uploaded to my-drive on Google,
          downloaded from my-drive to my phone.   Tried 3 times, each time the same result, all pwd are wrong

          • fritzophrenic

            fritzophrenic - 2017-06-22

            You say you are using version 2.36 on your PC, but you keep referring to a ".kdb" file. KeePass 2.36 uses .kdbx files. When you started using KeePass, did you originally use KeePass version My suspicion is that you accidentally uploaded an old database from when you used an older version of KeePass. Look for a .kdbx file on your PC.

            • Ritchie strat

              Ritchie strat - 2017-06-26

              if you already have an existing .kdb file the new version can open it and it didn't rename my database.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-06-20

    I use KeePass V2 on PC and KeePass2Android on tablet. I have never had any problem logging in to sites on either.

    cheers, Paul

  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-06-22

    The version on your Android is NOT KeePass, it is a 3rd party port. It is possible this port has a bug that corrupts passwords, although we have not seen reports of it doing so.
    Try opening the database with KeeWeb - a browser based port.

    cheers, Paul

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