
Add data to Keepass via program

  • Vance Dailey

    Vance Dailey - 2008-11-13

    I have a a rather unique use in mind for Keepass.
    We have an outsource call center in which data is entered during a call into two web based systems; one is an internal system and the other is an external system provided by our client.

    I would like to eliminate any keying that is duplicated.

    I would like keepass to provide a fast way to input the data into the clients application after it is first entered into our system.

    We have the ability to fire off a program from our application which I hope can pass the information to Keepass either through an API or by writing to the keepass database. (I hope the database format is documented and that I will not have problems with encryption.)

    In other words we would like to programatically pass data to keepass so that it can be used almost immediately to update fields on another web page. Since the data collected on each call is different from the last the keepass fields would be overlayed each time.

    Can anyone comment on the feasibility of doing this?

    • Bill Rubin

      Bill Rubin - 2008-11-13

      It sounds like you're focusing on one feature of KeePass -- the ability to write data into web form fields -- and hoping that somehow KeePass could be used, or enhanced, to provide the additional functionality you need. 

      In my view, it's like trying to use an iPod as a stadium sound system.  The two have a little in common, but not much.  KeePass is fundamentally a password manager.  Its many features are focused around that end.  Only a small proportion of those features would be useful in your application.  Furthermore, your proposed usage would probably require many additional features which would not be especially relevant to a password manager.

      My suggestion is that you look elsewhere for a solution to your problem.

      Bill Rubin

    • Vance Dailey

      Vance Dailey - 2008-11-13

      Thanks for the feedback.
      I have looked at iMacros from iOpus as an alternative.
      Its more of a general purpose utility than Keepass.
      As such it has more flexibility but may require more work to get it working.

      I would welcome any suggestions of other applications that might meet our need.


    • Paul

      Paul - 2008-11-14

      You could try writing something in AutoIt. This allows screen data to be captured and written as required. It may even be worthwhile paying someone to write it - not me though.

      cheers, Paul


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