
What is the best way to use keepass on 4 pcs, 1 iphone, 1 pad using google drive

  • BillA

    BillA - 2013-11-18

    I installed keepass on my main pc here, I have 3 other pcs in the house, an iphone and an ipad I would like to use google drive to store the database.kdbx file and just access it from the other devices/pcs.

    Do I have to install the keepass software on each device first, as when I would access google drive form say my other pcs it wouldn't even know how to open that kdbx file without it correct?

    If I do install this on the other computers/devices, can I update/edit/add stuff from these other devices as long as I am saving the kdbx file each time in google drive so that the next access on a different device would have the most upto date version of this?

    Also I use firefox, what do I have to turn off within it so that passwords aren't just autosaved as they are now, if someone sat down they could click any of my bookmarks facebook amazon etc and it remembers the password, good for me not good for security so I want to fix that right away too.

    Maybe I am using keepass wrong and so far I have only input a few online forum sites as a test, each time I create an entry I go to that page i sign in manually edit the user profile and copy paste in the generated pw that keepass gives me, then save the database in keepass with that new login info etc. (is this right?), altho I still do need to figure out how to stop firefox from just saving that password automatically so other people couldn't sit down and just sign in without accessing the google drive keepass database which is master password protected etc.

    I will monkey with getting the edited entries working with auto fill in as I go I am just trying to learn and figure out how to get this setup so I can use it on all my devices.


  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-11-18

    Yes, you need KeePass installed on all your devices first.
    You should use KeePass V2 on the PCs and whichever version you prefer on your i devices.
    Because you can modify each database independently you need to use a process that guarantees no data is lost. See the sync triggers section in help.

    In Firefox select Options > Security > Saved Passwords and delete the saved passwords. Then turn off the Save Passwords option. Make sure you've created a KeePass entry for them all first. ;-))

    The way you are creating entries in KeePass seems like a good method. It's really up to you how you manage the process.

    Make sure you you can open your KeePass database on all your machines before committing any more data to the database. You don't want to find out you forgot something when you are away from the machine where it works. It's also worth making a backup of the database regularly as this is now you most important data store.

    cheers, Paul


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