
Default Settings for Keepass 2.X

  • DrDOS

    DrDOS - 2017-01-14

    Still looking but wonder if there is a way to return all settings back to their default? Been using it for a few years and was wondering if there a switch or setting I've not come across yet. Made many changes but would like to start over if possible. I press Ctrl-Alt-A and get choices that make no sense.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2017-01-14

    To reset KeePass to default settings (1.x or 2.x) you need to delete or rename the KeePass configuration file while KeePass is not running. When KeePass is started it will load default settings

    Note: When you rename or delete you config file, KeePass will forget the locations of KeePass user data files including your password database and key file if you use one.

    See for the name and possible locations of the KeePass configuration file. The config file location can also be specified using a command line option (KeePass 2.x) or a user environment variable (KeePass 1.x).

  • DrDOS

    DrDOS - 2017-01-14

    Thanks. Guess I haven't changed it since '07. :)


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