
Password Generator excludes digits

  • Tester456

    Tester456 - 2012-06-26

    I am using KPScript to generate new passwords via command line. I have created a custom profile with the following characteristics:

    Minimum 8 characters
    Include Uppercase letters
    Include Lowercase letters
    Include numbers

    When running the command to generate a new password, sometimes it works. But most of the time what I receive is a password which uses all criteria except the numerical digits are missing.

    Example: uVRBanKZ

    I have tried deleting and re-creating the profile but this did not help. I do not believe I an doing anything wrong because when looking at the "preview" tab for my profile, it shows possible passwords which exclude numbers.

    Does KeePass consider the this an optional requirement? If so how can I make it mandatory?

  • Tester456

    Tester456 - 2012-06-26

    Just to clarify, when looking at the Preview tab, not all passwords exclude numbers. Only some. Most of them are correct.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2012-06-26

    If there are no other restrictions on password generation and the passwords are random then 24% of the 8 character generated passwords should not contain digits. 

    The probability of a given character being a Upper or Lower case letter: (52/62)*100=83.87%. The probability that all characters in an 8 character password are Upper or Lower case letters:  (0.8387^8)*100=24%.


  • Tester456

    Tester456 - 2012-06-26

    Thank you for your reply.
    If I understand you correctly my thinking that all selected criteria is observed as mandatory per password is not true.

    If I want all four criteria to be mandatory in all passwords generated under that profile, how can I do this.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2012-06-26

    I am not familiar with KPScript.  However you could define a password generation pattern in the built in KeePass generator. The generator pattern: udlA{5} with Randomly permute characters checked, would generate 8 character passwords containing at least one uppercase, one lowercase and one digit.  The remaining 5 characters would be selected from the full character set.  See  for details on the password generator.


  • Tester456

    Tester456 - 2012-06-26

    Sorry if it wasn't clear before, the password generation pattern and profile were created in KeePass using the builtin generator. KPScript merely calls it by name.

    Thanks again for the response. It's less simple than I hoped. We just upgraded from 1.03 and the selected criteria was always treated as mandatory so we never ran into this issue. In any event this solution works and gets the job done which is what I needed.

    Thanks again.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2012-06-26

    A custom password profile can be saved either as the default password generation pattern, or with a friendly name.  Once you are satisfied with the pattern, press the save button (located to the right of the "Profile:" field) and save it with a name. To make it the default pattern, select "(Automatically generated passwords for new entries)" from the drop down list.


  • Tester456

    Tester456 - 2012-06-26

    Thank you again but I am not sure the purpose of the last post. Based on my posts, I believe it is clear that I know how to create and save custom password profiles. This information does not help resolve the issue I was experiencing.

    Your suggestion of the pattern did work and gave me everything I needed.

    You have resolved my issue. Thank you again.


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