
Help! KeePass doesn't close anymore!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Help me! I don't know what has happened, but after I tried to select an entry in KeePass and move it to another group in the group tree and it didn't work, KeePass won't close anymore with the "X" button on the top right, it just locks the database. It doesn't close no more, not when I select "Exit" from file, or "Exit" from the context menu by right clicking on the tray icon, I have to kill the application with the task manager.

    A complete deinstall with registry cleaning and reinstall in another folder name hasn't worked out either. Please help me fast!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It's okay now I have rebooted and it worked all again. Still strange bug...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i will say that this is happening to me too.  it does seem to take a reboot to fix and the cause of the problem is unknown.

  • SD-619769

    SD-619769 - 2015-11-02

    Many years later, still an issue.

    • David Lechner

      David Lechner - 2015-11-02

      If you can provide specific steps to reproduce the problem, then perhaps it can be fixed. Also, if you have any plugins installed, remove them to ensure that the problem is actually with KeePass itself and not a plugin.


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