
AutoType Focus From Multi Selection Choice

  • jreedar

    jreedar - 2008-11-04

    I'm running XP Pro, and KeePass V1.14.  I have two entries setup for a website that I need to login at times with two different User Names and Passwords.  When triggering the Auto-Type it correctly finds the stored matching entries and displays the appropriate choices in the selection dialog.  When I double click to pick one of the entries the stored password is entered in the URL web address bar. 

    When I delete one of these entries and there's only one matching correct choice and trigger Auto-Type then all information is correctly entered. 

    Is there something I need to do to set the focus to the 'User ID' box on the screen when picking from the matching entry selection dialog?


    • Paul

      Paul - 2008-11-04

      Neal, you need to make sure the cursor is in the user name field before pressing Ctrl Alt A. You only need to single click the correct entry.

      cheers, Paul

    • jreedar

      jreedar - 2008-11-05

      Thanks Paul for the reply.

      After doing some testing it looks like the issue is a combination of using Firefox(3.0.3) and opening the site with IETab extension so it will be rendered in IE within Firefox and there are multiple matching entries for that site so the multiple selection dialog box is shown.  This works in FF with IETab and only one entry,  works in IE with multiple matching entries but does not work in FF using IETab and multiple matching entries.  So it's not a Keepass issue, just wanted to report my findings.


    • Paul

      Paul - 2008-11-05

      Thanks for the information.

      cheers, Paul


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