
Having keepass2 running disables focus follows mouse mode on Linux

  • Chris

    Chris - 2016-01-22


    As per the title, I have noticed that focus follows mode stops working in cinnamon (Ubuntu) when keepass2 is running (minimised or not). Is there a known reason or workaround for this?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-01-22

    Do you have KeePass set to "always on top"? If not it's unlikely to be KeePass itself, probably mono doing something odd.

    cheers, Paul

  • Chris

    Chris - 2016-02-02

    Hi Paul - I have no special window manager hints set for keepass2. Other mono apps do not show this behaviour. It this maybe something related to keepass2 trying to manage window focus for typing into other windows?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-02-02

    Maybe a focus issue. When KeePass wants to Auto-Type it drops to the background and expects the correct app to now have focus. If you have focus by mouse position this may not work.

    cheers, Paul


    Last edit: Paul 2016-02-02
  • Chris

    Chris - 2016-02-16

    I have tried with Auto-Type and Auto-Type - Without Context features disabled, and still experience the same. Is there a way to remove or bypass this behaviour, as it prevents me using keepass2?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-02-16

    Remove what behaviour?

    KeePass allows drag n drop or copy/paste if Aut-Type won't work for you.

    cheers, Paul

    • Chris

      Chris - 2016-02-16

      Sorry - I was referring to the behaviour of disabling my window manager settings and enforcing click-to-focus mode. Are there any settings/features/plugins which I should be looking at?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-02-16

    I don't think KeePass has any way to disable your window manager - you'd probably complain if it did.

    Can you move the mouse out of the way so it doesn't cause a focus change, then use Auto-Type (Ctrl Alt A)?

    cheers, Paul

    • Chris

      Chris - 2016-02-16

      The behaviour I am seeing is:

      • Focus-follows mouse working correctly
      • I start keepass2, and a window pops up asking for my passphrase
      • Focus follows mouse is still working correctl at this point
      • I type in my unlock passphrase, and the main keepass2 window opens
      • Focus follows mouse is disabled, and all my windows are now click to focus.
      • I minimise or send keepass2 to the tray
      • Windows are still click to focus
      • I close keepass2
      • Windows are still click to focus
      • After logging out and in again, windows are reset to focus follows mouse.

      I hope that makes it a bit clearer

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-02-17

    That's clearer.
    KeePass shouldn't change focus settings, but mono may interfere.
    Do you have KeePass set to "always on top"?

    Have you tried KeePassX?

    cheers, Paul


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