
Auto-type problem with new computer

  • Timo Lappalainen

    Hello all,

    I have used KeePass 2.05 alpha successfully for a long time. Now I got new (faster) laptop and I am having problem of using KeePass auto-type.

    With same file and applications (Firefox, IE, etc.) auto-type still works fine in old laptop. In new laptop it  duplicates @ and {TAB} and sometimes duplicates letters. I tried to produce some delay e.g. {DELAY 100} for auto-type. This fixes some problems. But e.g on Firefox (3.03 works fine on old laptop) @ and {TAB} are duplicated, so auto-type tries to fill wrong field. Any delay did not help for this at all.

    Any ideas?

    Timo Lappalainen

    • Paul

      Paul - 2008-10-21

      Maybe the new 'puter has some keyboard software that interferes with Auto-Type?

      cheers, Paul

    • Timo Lappalainen

      Maybe, but I removed almost all processes from computer. Finally had only 24 critical left. Some more points: Prolem is mostly with IE and Firefox. In Firefox @ and {tab} are duplicated. In IE it is not so constant, any chars may be lost, or duplicated. If I set active window Notepad or Context and try auto-type, data is always right no lost or duplicates. also if I open some window like mstsc, there are only some times lost data after {tab}, which actually happens with my old laptop too. {delay 100} after tab resolves problem on mstsc but not for Firefox or IE, since {tab} itself has been duplicated.

      Does KeepPass use copy-paste method or does it type keys? If it type keys, is it possible to delays between each key?

      Setting Two-channel auto-type obfuscation makes things even worse with Firefox and IE. Again works fine with other applications.

      Timo Lappalainen

    • Paul

      Paul - 2008-10-22

      Try {DELAY=X} before the Auto-Type string.

      cheers, Paul

    • Timo Lappalainen

      Thanks Paul,

      But no help. As I wrote original question I am using 2.05, which does not have {DELAY=200} keyword.

      Timo Lappalainen

    • Paul

      Paul - 2008-10-28

      Can you export the database a V1 and use V1.13?

      cheers, Paul

    • Timo Lappalainen

      Hello again,

      I tried with version 1.4 and with it it works fine without any delay. I also tested with VBscript by using SendKeys. It also works fine. So the problem is only with version 2.

      Is there any development on version 2? We have 5 others using same database and we have used some features like custom fields, which does not exist on version 1.x, so it is not so easy to change to that version.

      Timo Lappalainen

    • Timo Lappalainen

      Hello again,

      Version 2.06 solved this problem. Now everything works fine with new hw.

      Timo Lappalainen


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