
Feature Request - Copy Previous Password

  • yelxe

    yelxe - 2017-08-07

    Since older passwords are stored somewhere in the history, would it be possible to have a context menu item for Copy Previous Password?

    This would be very handy when resetting my passwords. Currently I have to make a duplicate entry so I have access to both at the same time.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-08-07

    Duplication of the entry is the best method for password change IMO. This is how I do it.

    cheers, Paul

  • yelxe

    yelxe - 2017-08-07

    I have the exact same process save one thing: I always save my DB with both copies before changing my password on the target. The last thing I want is to have successfully changed my password on some website only to lose that password because my computer crashed.

    Thanks for the link. I did search for a similar thread before posting. With this type of program, I guess all feature request posts contain too many common keywords!

  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-08-07

    Did you see the Feature Request - and vote for it?

    cheers, Paul


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