
OS X Mavericks

  • zio-mangrovia

    zio-mangrovia - 2014-07-17

    Few days ago I migrated from Windows to OSX system but I'd to keep Keepass software.
    I'm not able to find Keepass package for Mavericks on site, where is link to download? It's tar file ?
    I can see only 2 links for EXE and ZIP.
    I read it's necessary to install MONO software ?

  • David Lechner

    David Lechner - 2014-07-17

    I assume that since you mention mono, you are talking about KeePass 2.x. I run it Mavericks myself. It is slow, ugly and a little buggy compared to running on Windows, but it works well enough.

    You need the .zip version. You also need mono and XQuartz to be able to run it.

  • olav

    olav - 2014-07-17

    This thread, Any interest in a native OS X app?, will point you to three native OS X apps, that don't use Mono.

    I've ceased publishing updates to my own effort that instigated that thread, S3crets, which had a native Mac UI. The other two more closely follow the Windows UI.

  • Matt

    Matt - 2014-08-02

    Keepass works pretty well under Wine, installed via Brew. The GUI is much slower when launched under mono

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-08-02

    Which version of KeePass?
    Are there things that don't work?
    What is Brew?

    cheers, Paul


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