
Important TAN feature gone with version 1.11

  • Uwe Roemers

    Uwe Roemers - 2008-04-23


    after upgrading to version 1.11 I realized that although I still have the menu option "View > TAN View Options > Show TAN Indices in Entry Titles" I only have the titles showing up as [TAN] only, both in normal and simple TAN view mode.

    I have checked the change log for this build version and I am a little bit confused also because it is stated there that TAN indices are now stored in the user name field and not the comment field. I guess that only applies to new TANs but not to TANs stored in earlier versions of KeePass (i.e., existing TAN entries are not converted to this new model).

    It was very nice before to see the numbered TANS in the simple view because meanwhile all my bank accounts are using indexed TANS so for each transaction I really need to provide a dedicated TAN. It is somewhat inconvenient to guess which of my entries is the right one, open the entry (BTW, a double-click copies the TAN into the clipboard and marks it as used instead of opening the entry as for other records) and check the TAN index then before really using it.

    I could of course switch off the simple TAN list display and have the TANs displayed line by line but this would still force me to globally enable the comment field for all entries in KeePass (which I usually don't need to have visible in the list view).

    Kind regards,

    • Uwe Roemers

      Uwe Roemers - 2008-04-24

      Hi all,

      I have meanwhile realized that it helps reimporting the TANs. So first I export them and then I use the TAN import wizard and voilà, the entries are numbered again. With this approach I lose the flagging of already used TANs but that does not hurt when using iTAN :)

      Thanks anyway,


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