
Auto-Type Global Hotkey is NOT always good...

  • ricky925

    ricky925 - 2005-04-01

    First of all, I'd like to take the time to say what a wonderful program KeePass is. Not only is it the best password manager, but it is also open source which makes me feel very comfortable using it! Thanks so much for the great program!

    Now, about the Auto-Type Global Hotkey. This feature is amazing! I just love having keepass sitting in my system tray and all I have to do to log into a site is press CTRL+ALT+P. BRILLIANT!

    There is a small problem with this feature, and it can easily be fixed. The problem is websites that use different title windows to log in. For example Lets say I want to log into my account by going to the My eBay Page. The title of the window will be "My eBay - [browser name]". Lets say I am not logged in and am just browsing items on eBay, then I find something I like and want to bid. I click on place bid and now I have to log in where the title of the window is "Sign In - [browser name]". Lets say I am already logged in, but I want to change my eBay Password or update my credit card info. When you want to change information like that, even though you are logged in already you must log in again right before you are allowed to change that info. So when changing the password the log in screen title is: "Change Your Password - [browser name]" and when changing the credit card the title of the log in screen is now "Place or Update Credit Card on File - [browser name]".

    There are alot of other sites like this and especially with eBay, there are a ton of other login screens where the titles are different. As you can see, the global hotkey is useless in situations like these.

    Now for my suggestion: Make it possible to assign a Global Hotkey just for that entry itself. So for example with eBay, I would be able to add the following string to the Notes section: Auto-Type-GlobalHotKey: CTRL+ALT+E

    What this will do is assign eBay its own global hot key. So whenever CTRL+ALT+E is pressed, keepass will automatically know to input the eBay name and password.

    So now there will be 2 ways to use the Global hot key.

    1) By searching for the title with your default Global Hotkey (Mine is CTRL+ALT+P) which is related to the Auto-Type-Window: {TITLE} string in the Notes section.

    2) By assigning a certain entry like eBay its own Global Hotkey which will be related to the Auto-Type-GlobalHotKey: {KEYS} string in the notes section.

    I hope I have made myself clear and that you understand why this feature is important. Right now, the global hotkey is useless for me when I want to log in to eBay and certain other sites like yahoo for example.

    Thanks for reading,


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ^^GREAT IDEA!

      Plus I use keypass to save passwords to certain programs on my computer such as banking software, email clients, and security programs that are all password protected because I don't want other people in my house that use the PC to be able to access these programs/settings.

      And most of these programs don't have a title window for the password screen. So obviously I can't use the global hotkey.

      But with this feature, it would work PERFECTLY!!! :)

    • ricky925

      ricky925 - 2005-04-05

      Your thoughts Dominik?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I wanted to say the same in the following topic:

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      I think scanning the URL is much better than scanning the title only ans more secure.

    • ricky925

      ricky925 - 2005-04-06

      Scanning the URL is good, but lets not forget that some people don't use keypass only for logging into websites.

      I myself use keypass to save my passwords for my firewall and antivirus settings, as well as my banking software. These programs don't have URLs or title windows. If I was able to set a seperate global hotkey for each one, it would be wonderful.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      okay, then scan only for URL if it is presented in KP, otherwise take title..

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      No, i think a per item(record) hotkey would be better. More versatile.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm not sure if getting the URL would be possible. KeePass may only be able to get the window name.

      I still think a solution would be a hotkey to autotype the currently selected entry in KeePass.  Start KeePass, double click the URL to open the browser.  KeePass goes into the background, but the entry remains selected.  Hot key then autotypes that entry.

      This would work with all those windows that just have a generic "Enter userid" for the title, or if you have multiple userids for the same site.

    • ricky925

      ricky925 - 2005-04-07

      ^^Regarding the post above this one^^

      That's a great idea. And I think it should be implemented in addition to what I suggested in the first post.

      Because with your way people will still have to find the entry in the database and select it (which takes time). There are people who just want to have the program sitting in the taskbar and be able to easily enter any password they need at the time.

      But it definately is a good suggestion. I would like to see that implemented. I would actually like to see all these auto-type suggestions implemented... i think the more ways there are, the better and more convenient it would be to any user and any program/website.

    • LeoDou

      LeoDou - 2005-04-11

      I think for the like websites, the following solution is best:

      Auto-Type-Window: My eBay*
      Auto-Type-Window1: Sign In*
      Auto-Type-Window2: Change Your Password*
      Auto-Type-Window3: Place or Update Credit Card*

      That use muti Auto-Type-Window prefix for one entry.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      dominik, can you share your thoughts on this? It seems like a pretty big concern judging by the number of people who replied.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      in the near future brwosers will be able to run only in tray. Can KeePass scan window titles of applications which only run in tray?


    • _blabla_

      _blabla_ - 2005-05-04


      In one password manager I was working on, I used the combination of the Window Title and the Window's Class Name, so that windows without titles also worked. I don't know if this is enough. Probably there are other properties that can identify different windows with the same title.

      But this is certainly an interesting idea. How to type different passwords for windows with same identity? For example, if you open up an FTP site and get asked for the username/password. The title is always the same, but logins are different.
      I already suggested that, when there are several entries (in KeePass - windows, passwords, whatever) match the window where a hotkey was pressed, the program could display the list of those entries. Then it's an extra step to select one, but that's as close as you get.
      Would that be OK?

    • scodan

      scodan - 2005-05-16

      Another solution is to have a separate global hotkey that sent the selected entry to the top-most window.  This does add extra steps, though (you'd need to select the appropriate entry in KeePass, and give the browser focus).

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I use KeePass for more than just browser windows...

      Currently it manages other applications like VNC screens per host very well and different Windows servers drive logins as well. This is all based on the windows title.

      I think it would be nice to have two hot keys and two definable action paths. One for URLs and another for title. 

      Also would be nice to have addtional strings defined for the same site... say uses several windows titles based on entry point that are not easy to define with just one windows title.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      So a 1:1  x  2

      and a 1:to many


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Another problem with the global hotkey, whether it reads the title or URL, is when you use the same URL but have different logins.  I.e., 2 or more yahoo email accounts.

    • gvsa123

      gvsa123 - 2007-07-05

      i just browsed through the thread so i don't know it was mentioned.

      there's an even greater problem when sites use the same window title for different services like yahoo.

      they use many such as:

      Sign in to Yahoo! - *
      Yahoo! Mail - *

      Now that's fine since you can specify a different auto-type-window

      the problem is that there are instances when you are asked to verify your password. you already have your username displayed. and all you have to do is enter the password. one work around is to define an auto-type sequence for password verification:

      auto-type-window-1: ****

      but what i found was that yahoo uses the same window title for password verification in flickr which is:

      Sign in to Yahoo! - *

      With this, KeePass follows the default auto-type sequence, but mistakenly enters your username in the password field.

      I don't know... i've been trying to figure out a work around to this. but...

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Have a look at the firefox extension keepasser available from the keepass plugins page.  This changes the window title to the URL rather than the title specified in the HTML.  This allows a finer grained detection of the specific web page for auto type.

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          Oops.  That is an Internet Explorer extension..... but surely someone can find or write a Firefox one?

    • John L. Galt

      John L. Galt - 2007-07-05

      to the last poster - see your other thread.

      To the individual who mentioned another program using ClassIDs for windows - that is a perfect solution for folks 'logging in" to local apps - no URL, Now window title to worry about, and should not be too hard to implement.

      To the rest with ideas for multiple HotKeys - It is easier to make multiple associations (entries or auto-type window designations) than to have multiple hotkeys - where will you stop?  eBay has at least 4 places where the name is different, Yahoo has up to 8, Google has so many I am *still* trying to consolidate all of mine (apps, blogger, mail, picasa / images, groups, and more being rolled out every day - You Tube, and they just took over another site over the weekend....) - are you seriously wanting support for 12, 15, even 26 hotkeys or more?

      The better way is going to be tighter integration of multiple window support rather than multiple *hotkey* support.


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