
DAV: manual sync

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2014-03-25


    I wonder why there is no way to manually sync DAV at will. I share my password file by DAV on 5 devices. Usually all these are up 24x7 and also KeePass (with locked db ...). What is the intended way to get the newly added passes from device A on device B and C? At the moment I shut down KeePass and restart it. Is there a technical reason why files shared by DAV can not be synced manually?


  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-03-25

    Sync on WebDAV is supported. See the Help.

    cheers, Paul

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2014-03-25

    For me: not true.

    With DAV "File" -> "Synchronize" is greyed out even if there are local changes. Only IF there are locale changes "save" is available. IMHO there is no way to sync manually with DAV. IF "File" -> "Synchronize" would be available with DAV it would be exactly what I'm looking for.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-03-25

    I can't see why sync would be grey unless you are using a plug-in that disables it. Sync is the same as save so it should always be available.

    cheers, Paul

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2014-03-25

    It's a matter of fact ... plug-ins I use:

    • KeebuntAppindicator (Linux Tray)
    • KeePassHttp (for Chromium)
    • KeeAgent (in SSH)
    • KeePassRPC (in the KeeFox version)

    Even if I remove all these plug-ins sync is still grayed out. On Android I'm able to sync manually but NOT on Linux wiht WebDAV via HTTPS ans basic auth, which is the way I use DAV.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-03-25

    I may be a Mono thing. Have you tried the same arrangement in Windows?

    cheers, Paul

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2014-03-25

    I usually don't use Windows. I've tried it on W7 VM with KeePass 2.25 without any plug-ins and it's all the same there.

    If you want I can provide you with a DAV account on my server for testing.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-03-25

    As I understand your post, you are actually reporting a general problem that:

    ... "File" -> "Synchronize" is [always] greyed out ....

    The Synchronize menu option provides access to synchronization via multiple protocols including File synchronization & URL synchronization via FTP, HTTP or Web Dav. Since access to all file access protocols is blocked the problem is not related to a specific protocol.

    I am not aware of any KeePass state (except no database open) or option that causes the Synchronize menu option to ever be grayed out. It sounds like you have an KeePass installation problem e.g. mono or other supporting software, or an installed program incompatibility (it sounds like you have ruled out plugins).


    Last edit: wellread1 2014-03-25
  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-03-25

    I've confirmed that the Sync menu is greyed out when accessing a database via webdav / http, regardless of access permissions - write / read only. Looking at the code it seems to only be accessible when the database is local.

    cheers, Paul

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-03-25

    Thanks for the clarification. I hadn't encountered that particular state before.

    Looking at the code it seems to only be accessible when the database is local.

    To confirm: The sync limitation applies to all situations where the active (source) database is opened from a URL?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-03-25

    That seems to be the case, but I'm not very good at C and even less so with .NET.

    cheers, Paul

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2014-03-26

    I've now added support for synchronization functions in the case when the current database is remote.

    Here's the latest development snapshot for testing:

    Thanks and best regards,

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-03-26

    I can see some merit in not having sync when the file is remote. Your changes will be synched if the remote file is changed whilst you're using it and there isn't a local copy to sync - if there is why are you using a remote copy?

    cheers, Paul

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2014-03-26

    Users might store a database on multiple servers.

    Furthermore, when there are both a local and a remote copy, users might accidently open the remote one instead of the local one; the ability to sync with the local one is useful then.

    Best regards,

  • Matthias

    Matthias - 2014-03-28

    I can confirm, that the development snapshot works for me in a W7 VM.

    I would happily test a Linux version too, as I primarily use Linux.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-03-28

    Sync is available for me.

    cheers, Paul


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