
Incomplete username (e-mail) with Auto-Type

  • Stefan Krapf

    Stefan Krapf - 2017-10-09

    On many KeePass entries - if I would like to Auto-Type it on a website - it will not work in the latest weeks, it only fills the username by half like this "stefan.krapf@" instead of "".
    After that, the Auto-Type feature stopped to work, means that no password will be filled in... and no "enter" is sent...
    What could be the problem?
    I think that in the last older version it did work normally...
    Thanks for your help

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2017-10-09

    Are you using the Edge browser? There seems to be an issue with it at the moment. See


    Last edit: wellread1 2017-10-09
  • develop1

    develop1 - 2017-10-10

    years ago in prior version of windows a similar issue existed.

    the work around back then was slow down the speed/cadence
    which autotype spit characters into the target window
    so it was not computer speed but rather to be more like human typing speed.

    we changed autotype from
    {DELAY=40}{UserName}{TAB}{DELAY 500}{Password}

    the are two "delay" params
    the delay with the equal sign means
    put a 40 milli second delay between every character autotyped.
    the delay without the equal sign means
    put a 500 milli second delay at that point in the autotype sequence.

    Back then that solved the problem.
    There was nothing magic about the characters being spit to the target window
    but something about the speed which they were transmitted was the issue.

    Don't know if this is your issue or not but its something to try.


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