
Native Auto-Type With Internet Explorer

  • Aaron J. White

    Aaron J. White - 2012-03-30

    Hey Guys,

    I noticed that Internet Explorer wasn't listed in the "URL in Title Bar" section of the KeePass plugin page. I just made a quick post about a method that I think is pretty simple and effective. If anyone is interested the full blog post is here:

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2012-03-30

    Brilliant, thanks! Tested it, works perfectly. I've added a link to your blog post on .

    One minor suggestion. In the blog post you could add that instead of modifying the entry title, users could just enable the option 'An entry matches if the host component of its URL is contained in the target window title' in the advanced KeePass options. As your 'IE URL in Title' appends just the host component, entries will be matched properly, without the need to modify entry titles.

    Best regards

  • Aaron J. White

    Aaron J. White - 2012-03-30

    Thanks for the suggestion Dominik! I didn't even know about that option. I have edited my blog post.

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2012-03-30

    Thanks :-)

    However, the correct option is
    'An entry matches if the host component of its URL is contained in the target window title'
    instead of
    'An entry matches if its URL is contained in the target window title'

    As your script appends the host component only, the full URL option won't work ;-)

    Best regards

  • Aaron J. White

    Aaron J. White - 2012-03-30

    Whoops..Hmm… I don't see that in my KeePass options. I am using v2.17. Do you need 2.18 to see what you're talking about?

  • Aaron J. White

    Aaron J. White - 2012-03-30

    Never mind, answered my own question. I just installed v2.18. I'll make the change in my post and note v2.18 is needed.

  • Aaron J. White

    Aaron J. White - 2015-01-30

    Hello Dominik.
    I am moving away from my blog and I am also changing my short url domain.
    Could you please update the url on the plugin page to:

    It now forwards to a crossrider plugin I made that uses the same code in my old blog post.
    Please do it as soon as you have a chance because the old link in my original post will not work starting tomorrow.


  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2015-01-30

    Thanks for the info. The link now points directly to your blog post instead of the redirection.

    I tried your new Crossrider plugin, but it doesn't work for me (Windows 8.1, IE 11). IE downloads a 2.2 MB installer 'url-in-title.exe' and after clicking 'I agree' it apparently installs something, but even after a Windows restart there are no URLs displayed in the window title. There also is no add-on registered in 'Tools' -> 'Manage add-ons'.

    Best regards,

  • Aaron J. White

    Aaron J. White - 2015-01-30

    Hello Dominik,
    Sorry about that. I have put in a support ticket with Crossrider because it was working not too long ago and I haven't change my code for over a year. I will come back to this post when I get it fixed and we can try again.
    Until then you can uninstall the extension by going to Program and Features. It should be called "Url-In-title".

  • Aaron J. White

    Aaron J. White - 2015-02-03

    Hello Dominik,
    Crossrider support found the issue was on their end. Please change the link on the plugin page to and follow the instructions below to install.

    1. Open Internet Explorer (Compatible with versions IE 8+ non metro)
    2. Go to
    3. Click "Get URL-In-Title" button
    4. Select Run when prompted or select save and open yourself.
    5. If you get a second security prompt click "Actions" and select "Run anyway". (It does this because my application is not signed.)
    6. Agree to terms then click "Ok". Your IE browser will close and install will finish.
    7. Restart IE. You may get a prompt asking to enable to plugin. If so enable it.
    8. Go to If you don't see "Google -" as tab title restart IE one more time.
    9. Done. All this plugin does is run javascript code below for each page.
  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-02-03

    Does Crossrider do anything else on your PC, ads, tracking etc? Their site didn't make that bit obvious.

    cheers, Paul

    • Aaron J. White

      Aaron J. White - 2015-02-05

      Hello Paul,
      To my knowledge CrossRider does nothing else on the PC except what's in my code. I also use this plugin and I have never seen a single ad from it.
      However, there is some minor stat tracking. As a developer of the plugin I can see this:
      Number of installs
      Number of uninstalls
      Number of active users
      Install, Uninstall, Active by Country/Browser
      * That's it

      All of these stats are aggregate though and I can not drill down into individual users or see what sites they go to or anything crazy like that.
      I have not noticed any slow down or malicious activity while using my plugin. I do not believe CrossRider tracks where you browse.

      Hope that helps. When I have time I will put in a support ticket for this to get an official answer.

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2015-02-03

    It works fine now, thanks! I've changed the link like you suggested.

    Best regards,

  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-02-05

    Thanks for the update.

    cheers, Paul

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-07-05

    Hi Aaron

    Many thanks for this, looks to be exactly what I need.

    I've used KeePass for a number of years, so very familiar in using it in combination with 'chromeipass' on main PC, however, I've recently got a tablet running IE 11 (non metro) that I'd like to use with KeePass but struggling to get this plugin to work.

    I've successfully installed and can confirm I've enabled options within KeePass and when I visit Google, I see "Google -" as tab title, however I cannot get username/password fills to auto complete. Any idea what I've missed please?

    Thank you

    • Aaron J. White

      Aaron J. White - 2015-07-28

      Hello jackhulk.
      This reply is way late, but I assume you got everything handled? wellread1's reply is pretty spot on. After you install the IE url-in-title plugin you just have to go into Keepass settings and change auto-type to work when the host name of an entry is in the title of your active window. (You pretty much have to do this for any of the auto-type solutions)

      • Open your database
      • Tools --> Advanced Tab --> Check "An entry matches if the host component of its URL is contained in the target window title"
      • Hit ok
  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2015-07-05

    KeePass global auto-type is different from form-filling (what Chromeipass does). KeePass global auto-type matches the Window Title, and when it finds a match types (like a keyboard) from the current cursor position. The user must initiate the global auto-type by pressing the global auto-type hot key (default hot key Ctrl+Alt+A).

    I am not too familiar with IE, but it appears that Internet Explorer 11 does not show the actual Window Title, even when you hover over the tab. Window Titles rarely contain the URL. For example, the Window Title in IE11 for is

     Google - Internet Explorer

    Directions for viewing the true Window Title are in this post

    To use global auto-type (default hot key Ctrl+Alt+A) with default KeePass settings:

    1. Verify that the default setting "An entry matches if its title is contained in the target window title" is checked in Tools>Options>Advanced(tab)>Auto-Type(section)
    2. Name the KeePass entry something that is contained in the true Window Title, but that will not create excessive matches (e.g. in the example above you could use 'Google -' without the quotes).
    3. Press OK to commit the entry.
    4. Place your cursor in the web page's username field and press Ctrl+Al+A. KeePass will fill in the username and password from the entry that matches the window title
      • If there is more than one match you will be prompted to choose the correct match.
      • If you need KeePass to type something other than the username and password you must change the entry's keystroke sequence (either change the entry's default keystroke sequence or create a custom auto-type sequence)

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