
#1430 Autotype failed with @ in password


Related to I have the same problem on Keepass 2.30.
I have an entry with the character @ in my password and the autotype doesn't work (when the typing arrives to @ the field is clear and continue with the end without @). I try to add {DELAY=200} before {PASSWORD} and I have the same result that Hans Müller: the password stop typing befor the @

I try {ESC}{PASSWORD} no difference :(

Could you please help me ?


  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-09-23

    This is probably your browser, or other software.
    Test it on the KeePass test page, using different browsers:

    cheers, Paul

  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-09-23

    Thank you for your answer. I forgot to specify that I have this problem only with putty with a SSH connexion. If I replace the arobase with another caracter like / or _ it's work

    If I write manually the password or that I copy/paste in the clipboard the insertion is successful. This problem is only on the autotype

    I seems to remark that the caracter | (0x7c in the ascii table) is not write with AutoType too



    Last edit: Damien LEVEQUE 2015-09-23
  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2015-09-23

    Is there something about the @ or | characters that makes the putty program treat them differently? Is there any situation where typing an @ or a | causes putty to do something special?

  • Nairb

    Nairb - 2015-09-23

    I cannot reproduce the issue you are reporting with Putty. If you use autotype in notepad what do you see?

  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-09-24

    After investigating it seems that the problem not caused by putty but superputty (a multitab putty). This software is only an alternative interface but uses putty.exe to open sessions, therefore the comportement should be the same, but apparently not. I come to test with the original Putty and I have not the problem.

    I tried to test with MtPutty (another multi-tab putty software) and I have the same result that superputty.
    I tried to change some parameters on this two softwares like disable the more of features possible but that not resolving my problem :(

    Could you please help me ?


    PS: On notepad like your web test page, I have not this problem and the password is typing correctly

  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-09-24

    I do not know the method used by the autotype but copy/paste works without any problem on superputty and the {ESC} doesn't change anything

    Superputty in the version and putty in the version 0.65



    Last edit: Damien LEVEQUE 2015-09-24
  • Nairb

    Nairb - 2015-09-24

    I downloaded superputty and was using putty 0.64 and could not reproduce the issue. I then downloaded putty 0.65 and am still unable to reproduce the issue. I am using the default settings with superputty. What OS are you using? What type of keyboard do you have configured for your OS? I see there is a setting in KeePass under Options > Advanced > Ensure same keyboard layouts during autotype. Is this checked?

  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-09-24

    I use a belgium keyboard on WIndows 7
    The "Ensure same keyboard layouts during autotype" parameter was already checked. I try to uncheck but I have no difference. It's very strange that it works on Putty and not on superPutty and it's more strange that you are not available to reproduce.

    There is a debug mode on keepass or a log file that should you to understand what append ?

  • Nairb

    Nairb - 2015-09-24

    Can you try # ^ { } [ ] and see if those characters have the same issue?

  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-09-25

    Please find in attachment the video screenshot with the password: h=|d@k#a^b{c}d[e]f and this autotype sequence {DELAY=400}{ESC}{Password}. I obtains the same result with the same caracteres in Username field.

    The |, # and } caracteres is not print
    The @, {, [, ] caracteres provide a clear of the line
    OK for ^

    Damien LEVEQUE


    Last edit: Damien LEVEQUE 2015-09-25
  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-09-28

    Have you any news ? I try to install the new version of superputty but there is no difference, same bug.

    Damien LEVEQUE

  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-09-28

    As it's a SuperPuTTY issue there isn't a lot we can do.
    Have you tried it with an English keyboard layout?

    cheers, Paul

  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-09-28

    If I open super putty and launch the SSH connexion
    Next, I switch keyboard on English in my taskbar
    Next, I do Ctrl+Alt+Q (with an physical azerty keyboard)

    IT WORKS (all characteres is typing correctly)

    I have try with French (France) instead of French (Belgium) and the problem is the same
    Could you provide a better solution to support other keyboards ? :(

    Damien LEVEQUE


    Last edit: Damien LEVEQUE 2015-09-28
  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-09-28

    The @ symbol seems to require a key modifier on that keyboard? Maybe SuperPuTTY does something odd with that key?

    cheers, Paul

  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-09-29

    The problem occurs with supperputty but also with mTPutty and start to clear the field befor the @ character, so I think that the problem is not linked to my SSH software. The autotype on keepass use it the clipboard (copy/paste) ? Because this method seems works regardless of the keyboard language ?


  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-09-29

    KeePass Auto-Type does not use the clipboard.

    It seems clear that the SSH software is doing something a little odd with the keyboard because Auto-Type works with other software. Dominik (KeePass author) may be able to shed some light on why this is occuring.

    cheers, Paul

  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-09-29

    Thank for your answer. I has already open a case for supperputty support here: - Could you advise Dominik of this problem in order to see if he has a view?


  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-09-30

    Dominik monitors the forums.

    cheers, Paul

  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-09-30

    THank you. I will wait and will do copy/paste until the next update of this case from Dominik


  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2015-10-19
    • status: open --> closed
    • Priority: 3 --> 5
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2015-10-19

    First of all, PuTTY's default Ctrl+Alt behavior differs from Windows' behavior; KeePass implements a workaround for this.

    SuperPuTTY and MTPuTTY spawn PuTTY processes whose windows are displayed embedded in the SuperPuTTY/MTPuTTY window (without window borders). As the PuTTY window in this case doesn't have usual main window properties, various window enumeration methods fail to find this window (especially the method of the .NET Framework fails, and KeePass used this one), thus KeePass didn't activate the workaround.

    I've now implemented a new target window classification method, which improves compatibility with target windows hosted within other windows (e.g. a PuTTY window within SuperPuTTY/MTPuTTY).

    In short, it should work fine now with SuperPuTTY and MTPuTTY.

    Here's the latest development snapshot for testing:

    Thanks and best regards,

  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-10-21

    A big thanks for this developpment version that I have tested on superPutty and Mtputty and which work perfectly with charactere @, #, ^, (, ', |, {, [, *, $ in login or password.

    This change will be it integrated in the next version ?

    Damien LEVEQUE

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2015-10-21

    Great, thanks for testing it! The new classification method looks stable to me and I currently cannot imagine any problems with it, so it will be included in the next KeePass version.

    Best regards,

  • Damien LEVEQUE

    Damien LEVEQUE - 2015-10-22

    Thanks for your answer. I have posted an update on the superputty post that I had opened and jimradford, one of the developpers, you presents his regards.



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