
#1279 KeePass remains minimized after start.


When opening KeePass 1.25 the behaviour has changed, since about two weeks, and I don't know what I did...
When opening a file.kdb, the password dialog shows. After entering the PW and OK, the KeePass window used to appear at the place on my two screens where I exited last time, like all other windows apps. But now, after entering the PW KeePass remains minimized on the taskbar. With focus, so to bring up the screen I can <Enter>. Still, it's not handy.
Anyone a solution, or is this a bug? Thanks!


  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-08-13

    Maybe you have the KeePass window set to the taskbar?
    How are you opening KeePass / database? Does it make a difference if you just double click KeePass.exe?

    cheers, Paul

    p.s. Bug reports are for confirmed bugs. Please ask questions in one of the Discussion forums.

  • sensor66

    sensor66 - 2014-08-13

    Sorry for posting at the wrong place, I will try to find the other spot in the future. For now:
    Yes, that does make a difference. If I doubleclick KeePass.exe the KeePass window opens as expected. Of course with no open database.
    Where the problem is, is that I open a hyperlink (pinned to the taskbar) with target :
    "D:\Program Files\KeePass\KeePass.exe" "D:\Documents\KeePass\KeePass02.kdb". As said, this opens the pw dialog, and then KeePass remains minimized on the taskbar in stead of opening, as it used to do.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-08-14

    I suspect you have a strange setting in KeePass.ini that is telling KeePass to stay minimized. Shut down KeePass and rename KeePass.ini - see the Help for locations - then try your shortcut again.

    cheers, Paul

  • sensor66

    sensor66 - 2014-08-14

    So I renamed the .ini, then restarted. But the behaviour is exactly the same: shows pw dialog, then gets minimized. This is so weird...
    Aha, but this sets me on the trail: it's not KeePass, it's the Windows shortcut! This shortcut is pinned to the taskbar (so I cannot even access the properties!) So I unpinned it, check the properties and there it is: "Run Minimized". Well, I am telling you, I did not do that. Anyway, that solves it.
    Thanks Paul!

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2014-08-15
    • status: open --> closed

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