
#1215 Save loop with Trigger



if you create a new Trigger on " Saving database file" or "saved database file" and connected with the "Synchronize active database with afile/URL" Action, then KeyPass stock on a saving loop.

saveing -> try to synchronize -> saving because Snchronize -> try to synchronize ...

1 Attachments


  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2014-02-15
    • status: open --> closed
    • Priority: 3 --> 5
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2014-02-15

    This is the expected behavior.

    You might want to read the section 'Preventing infinite loops' on

    Best regards,

  • Epps

    Epps - 2014-02-15

    "Preventing infinite Loops" is exactly what i need.
    Thank you, didn't find by myself.

    But why do you let user run into this loop?
    I had kill the Keepass-process when it saved my db and backup. I was afraid that this can break both.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-02-17

    It isn't possible to know what users will do with saves and syncs so leaving the trigger system open is the most flexible.

    cheers, Paul

  • Adam

    Adam - 2017-02-17

    I'm sorry but this really needs attention. 3 years later to the day, I just ran into this issue and by complete luck, I found this thread. Why make it difficult for the user to figure out what's happening? There should, at every least, be a warning somewhere in the program letting people know there is a possiblilty of an infinite loop.. and a link to instructions for preventing it. Anything is better than nothing.


    Last edit: Adam 2017-02-17
  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2017-02-17

    There is a link - in the help file. (Interesting, tho, that the local help file links to the Web version of the example page instead of including a copy of the page within itself.)

  • Adam

    Adam - 2017-02-17

    I understand that there is info available about this.. what I mean is that the software itself should fire off a notification if you do something that may cause a loop, or at least put a notice somewhere in the trigger wizard. The user currently has to go seek out help to figure out why this is happening after it happens, when the program could simply warn them ahead of time.

    Or some kind of loop detection would be helpful.. like if the same trigger tries to fire twice in a row, halt it and notify the user, giving them a chance to break the loop. I can't think of any reason why any trigger should fire more than once if they do the exact same thing.. so I don't see this being difficult to detect.

    Whatever the solution may be, I don't think this issue should be closed.. it deserves some further attention.

    In my case, the infinite loop caused the program to cripple my system's performance until it eventually crashed and I lost all changes to my DB... AND the trigger I created disappeared. That shouldn't be happening.


    Last edit: Adam 2017-02-17
  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-02-17

    Just as well KeePass lost the trigger. :)

    cheers, Paul


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