
#33 Printout bug in Junicode 0.7.8

Printout (1)
Al H

Using Junicode version 0.7.8 on my Mac (OS 10.9.1), everything looks fine on screen, but the printouts are unusable: many letters are replaced by weird signs, worst of all 'a' which draws long vertical stretches across the page (see attached PDF) (NB: pdf was produced from scanned printout – printing to PDF from within the application works fine). Happens in both Nisus Writer Pro and TextEdit, the two applications that I was able to try. Any idea what causes this and how it can be fixed?

1 Attachments


  • Peter Baker

    Peter Baker - 2014-01-16

    My first thought is that some printer is not properly handling the instructions (hints) generated by ttfautohint.

    As an experiment, would it be possible to try printing on another printer and seeing if the result is better?

    Then, if the problem is specific to your printer, let me know the make and model.

  • Peter Baker

    Peter Baker - 2014-01-16

    Actually, I see now that ttfautohint did in fact have a problem with some printers, but the problem has been fixed. I'm going to need to recompile Junicode with a later version of that utility.

    Stay tuned.

  • hubduogh

    hubduogh - 2014-02-03

    If I can add to this that the printer in our department isn't able to print any document I create with Junicode (in XeLaTeX). We're using a HP LaserJet P4015.

  • Peter Baker

    Peter Baker - 2014-02-06

    Confirmed that the hints generated by the version of ttfautohint used for Junicode 0.7.8 cause problems with some printers. The latest version of ttfautohint fixes this, and I've managed to compile and use it. After general testing I'll post a new version of Junicode that should fix the problem. However, I don't know which printers have had the problem, and I am not in a position to test on more than a few printers, none of which have had problems with the font.

  • Peter Baker

    Peter Baker - 2014-02-06
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Michael McClimon

    I just ran into this myself. I really like the font and would like to continue using it, but this makes it unusable. Is there a tree somewhere that has the fix in it? I'm happy to compile the font myself, but you changed this to fixed in February and the last commit in the tree (as far as I can tell) is from a year prior to that.

  • Christian von Zimmermann

    In our project we would like to use the Junicode-Font, but we're not able to print documents using Your font. Our prints appear the same way as shown in the pdf to this ticket. You wrote that You already fixed the problem. Is there a new 2014-version of the ttfautohint? We really like the font... It would help us working on a scholarly edition.

  • lucius

    lucius - 2017-07-23

    I have the same problem, have seen it on at least three different printers (all HP LaserJets, different models).

    Although it's apparently fixed internally, this bug still affects me and other people as there has been no new release since 2012 and - as far as I can see - the fix has not been uploaded to any public repository.

    Any chance to get a new release?


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