
#2 Decimal Point


Is it possable to have the portfolio stock price to 5 decimal points rather than 3.
I have one that is .00865 and it rounds up to .009, it does make a difference.



  • yccheok

    yccheok - 2011-07-06

    Can you let me know, which country and which stock does have 5 decimal points? (0,00865) We need the information so that we can understand more.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-07-08

    Tried jstock 1.0.6c and agree with OP's request - this is a big bug.

    In the U.S., many prices are quoted to 4 decimal places - 100ths of a penny. Rounding prices to the penny is simply incorrect - it makes the Values wrong and jstock unusable.

    From the design perspective, the precisions should be:

    - Amounts (Values, Broker, Clearing, Stamp Duty...): Follow the currency - i.e., 2 decimal places for the US$.

    - Prices: Follow the exchange, or (better) be unlimited, to ensure the Amounts calculate correctly.

    Or allow both the above to be set in Options...

    Also, in my test, on the Buy window the symbol goes away once selected (the name appears in Symbol) and neither the symbol nor the stock's name appeared on the transaction in the Buy list (although the name comes back up on Edit - symbol drop-down is still empty).

    Thanks for your help!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Its the Australian stock market or ASX that allows up to 5 decimal places.

  • yccheok

    yccheok - 2011-07-14

    jtodt : I do not understand the problem you mentioned.

    "Also, in my test, on the Buy window...."

    Can you post it at Help Forum? Explain more with screen shoot to help us understand your problem. Instead of using this Support Requests.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I, too, really would like to have more decimal places. I find myself having to make up for the rounding errors by adjusting the broker commission.