
JStock - Free Stock Market Software / News: Recent posts

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.5L

JStock 1.0.5L had been released. Supports multiple watchlists, help menu calculator, and many bug fixes.

Feature: Support multiple watchlists. Manage your favorite stock watchlist, by splitting them into high growth stocks and dividend gained stocks.

Feature: User will have much better hint on what portfolio he is in, by looking at the label, instead of having to click on the drop-down menu.

Feature: User may launch calculator through Help menu.... read more

Posted by yccheok 2010-05-13

JStock-Stock Market Software:1.0.5d Released

(7 December 200) Download latest 1.0.5d from

Posted by yccheok 2009-12-06

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4i Released

JStock 1.0.4i - 2009-08-18
Feature: Use SwingWorker to perform connection, email, sms checking (#2839440)
Feature: Auto detect proxy server (#1771740). Patched by nb76
Feature: Google Analytics Campaign (#2839391)
Bugfix : JStock uses up all network resource (#2836422)
Bugfix : Stock Indicator Scanner freeze during scanning (#2839065)
Bugfix : Unable to display image icon during server health checking (#2839362)
Bugfix : ClassCastException in AboutBox (#2818878)

Posted by yccheok 2009-08-17

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4h-bugfix Released

JStock 1.0.4h-bugfix - 2009-08-07
Bugfix: Switching among servers has no effect on market index (#2833030)
Bugfix: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException for KLCI index (#2833029)

Please visit for more information.

Posted by yccheok 2009-08-06

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4h Released

JStock 1.0.4h - 2009-08-06
Select multiple servers when one of the server goes down (#2832887)
Bugfix: Unable to set stock scanning speed to minute (#2832423)

Please visit for more information.

Posted by yccheok 2009-08-05

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4g Released

JStock 1.0.4g - 2009-08-04
Displaying history for index (#2831881)
Bugfix: Not able to connect to KLSE data (#2831804)
Bugfix: Fall Below and Rise Above false alarm (#2826327)

Please visit for more information.

Posted by yccheok 2009-08-04

Welcomed Nanne Baars(nb76) As Our New Developer

I am very happy to announce that, Nanne Baars(nb76) will become the developer of JStock. Nanne Baars has provided a high quality patch for feature "Auto detect proxy server - ID: 1771740".

nb76, welcomed on board ;)

Posted by yccheok 2009-07-30

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4f Released

Free SMS alerted supported.

Please visit for more information.

Posted by yccheok 2009-07-21

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4e Released

1. Re-factor on ActivitySummary, DepositSummary and DividendSummary. In order to achieve backward compatible, we start to use xstream 1.3.1. Previous version doesn't work well with 'transient'. If we remove previous fields in new class, it still can goes wrong although we mark the fields as transient.

2. Bug fixed. Update user preferred GUI look when changing country.

3. [2804310] Bug fixed. Lazy evaluation x work in DividendSummary DepositSummary.... read more

Posted by yccheok 2009-07-18

JStock In Earthweb's "100 Open Source Apps for Windows"

JStock is being mentioned in one of the article found in EarthWeb

"Free Download: 100 Open Source Apps for Windows"

Do take a look on :

Posted by yccheok 2009-07-14

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4d Released (Mac dmg)

Good news for Mac users. Finally, we had released dmg file format for JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4d

It can be downloaded from

Posted by yccheok 2009-07-13

Note for Users Facing Portfolio Problem

If you are facing some problem while using portfolio feature in JStock, there are two causes :

(1) You are either still using version 1.0.4c
(2) Or you are upgrading from 1.0.4c to 1.0.4d

There is a known portfolio bug in 1.0.4c,

[2800598] Bug fixed. buyportfolio.xml file not updated with code symbol
[2790218] Bug fixed. User unable to add new buy transaction in Spain.

As a result, the portfolio file written by 1.0.4c also contains the bugs. Even you are upgrading to 1.0.4d. Since your 1.0.4d is reading from problematic files written by 1.0.4c previously, you will also facing the same problem as 1.0.4c users'.... read more

Posted by yccheok 2009-06-09

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4d Released

1. [2787608] Feature added. A better About Box with auto update detector, credit, license and blobsallad.

2. [2797839] Feature added. Note field in portfolio, for user to add note on every transactions.

3. [2787627] Feature added. Remember when is the last view page.

4. [2801063] Feature added. Cash Flow Management.

5. [2797839] Feature added. note field.

6. [2787627] Feature added. Remember when is the last view page.... read more

Posted by yccheok 2009-06-07

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4c Released

1. [2604585] Feature added. If you are a daily trader, we understand that your need in monitoring stock price movement in seconds precision. Hence, JStock is providing intraday stock price snapshot. The stock price will be captured in every 10 seconds in daily basics, lasted for 2 hours.

JStock is a free stock market software, which supports 23 countries stock market. It provides Real-Time stock info, Intraday stock price snapshot, Stock indicator editor, Stock indicator scanner, Portfolio management and Market chit chat features.... read more

Posted by yccheok 2009-05-14

Welcomed Karl Heinz Putz(puzzz) As Our New Mac Packager

I am very happy to announce that, Karl Heinz Putz(puzzz) has agreed to join our JStock team. Karl Heinz Putz is a proficient Mac end user. He will be responsible to provide packaging service for JStock, targeting Mac platform.

His first task in JStock team will be : [ jstock-Feature Requests-2788568 ] Creating Mac OS X Application Bundles for JStock

puzzz, welcomed on board ;)

Posted by yccheok 2009-05-11

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4b Released

JStock is a free stock market software, which supports multiple countries stock market. (23 countries at this moment) It provides Real-Time stock info, Stock indicator editor, Stock indicator scanner, Portfolio management and Market chit chat features.

version 1.0.4b
1. [2686577] Feature added. Proxy Auth Support. Contributed by gransi.

2. [2722273] Feature added. Read/ Write on Excel/ CSV File Format.... read more

Posted by yccheok 2009-04-29

Welcomed gransi As Our New Developer

JStock team is proudly to have gransi as our new developer. gransi had provided an intelligent fix suggestion, to our recent encountered new feature request : [2686577] Proxy Auth Support

gransi, welcomed on board ;)

Posted by yccheok 2009-03-16

Development Blog for JStock

For the lover of JStock, who like to keep in touch with latest development progress, a development blog for JStock is ready.

During the development of next release, any milestone achieve along the development progress will be published through the blog.

Stay tune ;)

Posted by yccheok 2009-03-11

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4a Released

JStock is a free stock market software, which supports multiple countries' stock market. (23 countries at this moment) It provides Real-Time stock info, Stock indicator editor, Stock indicator scanner, Portfolio management and Market chit chat features.

version 1.0.4a
1. Added 11 new countires. We have now total 23 countries stock market.

- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Canada
- HongKong
- Indonesia
- Korea
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Switzerland
- Taiwan

Posted by yccheok 2009-03-10

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.5 Development Plan

JStock is a free stock market software, which supports multiple countries' stock market. (12 countries at this moment) It provides Real-Time stock info, Stock indicator editor, Stock indicator scanner, Portfolio management and Market chit chat features.

As 1.0.4 had released, We believe that JStock had achieved a major milestone that, the backed data grabbing module are very much stable right now. It is able to provide user an accurate and stable data source information.... read more

Posted by yccheok 2009-03-09

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.4 Released

JStock is a free stock market software, which supports multiple countries' stock market. (12 countries at this moment) It provides Real-Time stock info, Stock indicator editor, Stock indicator scanner, Portfolio management and Market chit chat features.

version 1.0.4

1. [2567297] Feature added. Having seconds/ minutes/ hour selection for scanning speed.

2. [2567292] Feature added. India Stock Market Support.... read more

Posted by yccheok 2009-03-07

JStock - Stock Market Software: 1.0.3 Released

JStock is a free stock market software, which supports multiple countries' stock market. (11 countries at this moment) It provides Real-Time stock info, Stock indicator editor, Stock indicator scanner, Portfolio management and Market chit chat features.

version 1.0.3
1. [2567295] "Rise Above" and "Fall Below" table column

2. Bug fixed on Market Chit Chat. Smile symbol will be case insensitive. :p same as :P... read more

Posted by yccheok 2009-02-12

Nightly Build Released

In order for user to enjoy the latest features and bug fixes, nightly build version is being introduced. Without waiting several months for the next official release, user may immediately enjoy the software from the latest hot baked code :)

version 1.0.2 (nightly build number 030209)

1. Bug fixed on Market Chit Chat. Smile symbol will be case insensitive. :p same as :P... read more

Posted by yccheok 2009-02-02

1.0.2 Released

1. [2391797] Bug fixed. We provide a much more user friendly mechanism, in database download process during indicator scanning. The entire indicator scanning process had been speed up by :-
(a) Several threads performing history download simultaneously.
(b) Real time stock scanning and history download run simultaneously.

2. [2417893] Feature added. Market Chit Chat feature being added.

3. User is able to choose the duration of history information.

Posted by yccheok 2008-12-31

1.0.1 Released

(1) A more robust Malaysia stock server from Yahoo! is being introduced. User shall not experience stock server down problem as in previous version.

(2) New Singapore stock market is being introduced.

(3) JStock is now having its own logo and icon. Special thanks to Iconblock, a small company that specializes in providing professional and personalized design services.

(4) Bug fixed in using HttpClient. Every method will has its own HttpClient. This may avoid problem from multiple connections at the same time.... read more

Posted by yccheok 2008-12-15