
Swing GUI

  • Bas Cancrinus

    Bas Cancrinus - 2002-03-13


    According to the jsh home page the development of a Swing GUI for jsh is still unassigned. I'd like to do that, as I think it's an important issue for end users.

    Please let me know what to do (email/upload/checkin) with my modified source.


    • Gérard COLLIN

      Gérard COLLIN - 2002-04-13

      I'm sorry for not answering before !
      I wasn't warned of your proposal.

      Of course the swing gui would be an important feature, that we didn't have the time to
      realize for now.

      If you're still interested, I can declare you as a Jsh developer, you will be able to
      upload directly to cvs.

      Of course, we'll have to talk about what you want to do
      and how we will integrate it in the project.

      Please send us a mail (


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