
#51 Add placeholder for JPEGView.exe's location and drive letter

UserCmd (1)


I'm a heavy user of the wonderful UserCmdN feature, like:

UserCmd12="KeyCode: W Cmd: 'C:\tools\resize_1024x768_q100.bat %filename%' HelpText: 'W\t Convert to -1024x768.* -q100'"

When I run JPEGView from a flash drive (say, F:), I would like it to look for my "tools"
directory on F:, not C:.

[1] Would it be possible to create placeholders to make JPEGView fully portable, i.e., detect at least the drive it's on? For example:

"Drive_from_which_JPEGView_is_running" or %Jdrive%

I could then edit all my UserCmds to %Jdrive%:\tools... rather than hard-code them.
Yes, I can wrap my commands in BAT files and (re)define PATH/variables, but this is more elegant.

[2] Also, a placeholder like %Jexe% (the full path the JPEGView.exe) allows defining a command
to spawn another instance from within the current one. One reason could be to keep open a specific
image file(s) for later treatment but continue going through the list.

Thanks in advance for considering this addition!
Slobodan Vujnovic


  • David Kleiner

    David Kleiner - 2013-10-06

    Added the following placeholders to current code base:
    %exepath% : Path to EXE folder where JPEGView is running
    %exedrive% : Drive letter of the EXE path, e.g. "c:"

    Will be released with 1.0.30.

  • Kej Zemunski

    Kej Zemunski - 2013-10-06

    Brilliant, can't wait to put it to use.

  • David Kleiner

    David Kleiner - 2013-11-02
    • status: open --> closed
  • David Kleiner

    David Kleiner - 2013-11-02

    Implemented in 1.0.30


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